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"If it's all the same to you," you begin, "I'd like to stick with you, help hold down the gas station, and find survivors." (+1 Harvey point)

"Sure," Harvey briefly grins, before looking at Violet and Carter again.

"I'm good with animals." Violet responds.

"Alright then, Carter, you're with Ma." Harvey nods.

"Sounds good to me." Carter grins at Nana, who beams back at him.

"Y/n, grab the gun that I gave you yesterday. Everyone else, bring your weapons with you, or have them close by. Take a knife as well." He grunts. "Let's go."

You say a quick goodbye to everyone, before making the brief trek back to the gas station. Luckily, your walk is zombie-free, and you have no trouble getting inside.

The first few hours are very uneventful, and you use this time to get to know Harvey a little better. He enrolled in the military fresh out of high school, and served in the military for over twenty years. He retired after his father died, ten years ago, to be able to take care of his eighty-four year-old mother. He also took over the gas station he inherited from his father. He has two younger siblings who both live across the country. He's currently fifty years old.

"...that's when Ma said she was done, and that we could leave." Harvey chuckles.

You laugh out loud, and rub your eyes. Just then, you both hear the screech of fires from outside.

"Go, go, go!" A woman shrieks. "Hurry up and get out!"

A tall woman, who appears to be in her late twenties, with long, red hair, walks briskly towards the door, flings it open, and pulls it shut behind her.

"Stop." Harvey calls. "What's your name, and have you been bitten?"

"Jocelyn, and no. There's literally no blood on me." She pulls a disgusted face. "Please, if you have any idea about a safe place, we'll pay any price to get that information." She pleads, as she reaches into her bag, and pulls out a wallet.

"That won't be necessary." Harvey motions for her to put her arm back down. "We have a shed out back that you can stay in. My mom will check you for zombie bites. If any of your party has blood on them, I'll need to check them right here."

"We're clean." The lady smiles toothily.

At that moment, a girl about your age walks in. She's a gorgeous woman, who's at least 5'10, and could be a model. Her dark red hair is hip length, and it seems as if every freckle on her face was placed meticulously and perfectly. Her eyes seemed to change from blue to green in the light.

Talk to her - go to 27
Ignore her - go to 28

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