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"Rise and shine!" Oliver whispers gently, wearing his signature lopsided smile. "Hope you slept well. Harvey wants to have a group meeting in a few minutes. I figured you'd need to be awake to participate."

"Thanks." You grin. "I'll be up in a few."

Oliver bounds upstairs, and you follow soon after.

"Morning." Harvey nods to the group. "We need to assign roles for holding down the fort. I'll be stationed at the gas station, and try to keep everything away from the shed, while looking for fellow survivors. If they have blood on them, I'll check for bite marks. If not, I'll send them to Ma for a thorough check. Oliver, go claim the abandoned sheep farm south of here. No one's coming back for them, as we found their food supply nearly gone yesterday. Ma, you'll stay in the shed, let in anyone I send your way, double check them for bites, and make them feel at home. We'll all use our solar charging phones to speak with each other." You three," He gestures towards you and Violet. "Do any of you have a preference on where you're stationed?

"You get last choice, since you work for me, Carter." He grins.

"Hey!" Carter replies.

"It means I know you're great at each job, so I'm letting them identify their strengths and assigning them to that role."

Where do you want to be stationed?

Gas station with Harvey - go to 26
Hunting with Oliver - go to 31
Shed with Nana - go to

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie Apocalypseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें