9 1 0

Harvey is at the gas station, per usual. This time, however, instead of staring out the window on the lookout for any zombies or survivors, he's crouched over, packing something into a box.

"Whatcha doing?" You ask him, beginning to crane your neck over the counter.

Harvey jumps, and slams the box closed.

"Nothing." He responds in his stoic Harvey fashion.

"You sure?" You smile at him. "Because it looked like something..."

"You'll find out soon enough." Harvey grunts. "I can't tell you yet."

"Alright." You sigh. "Any zombies today?"

"No, not yet." Harvey begins looking out the windows. "It makes me nervous. It's not right. There's more out there."

You shiver. "That's morbid...and slightly pessimistic, but I agree with you. We've only been here for around forty-five days. There's no way we've gotten rid of them all in that time."

"Exactly." Harvey nods. "That's why we're going to the store soon, to stockpile supplies."

You nod your head. "Sounds good." You turn around to leave.

"Wait, y/n," Harvey calls to you. "Before you go, I want to give you this. He hands you a key to the gas station. Oliver and Carter are the only other two who have one.

(Add "Harvey's key" to your inventory)

"It's my last one, so don't go flaunting it." A smile pricks at his face, but doesn't quite emerge.

"Thank you, Harvey." You smile at him, and pull him into a hug.

He seems surprised at first, but wraps his arms around you somewhat awkwardly, and pats your back a couple times.

"Cya, kid." He nods at you as you leave.

Who do you want to talk to next?

I want to continue talking to people - go to 49
I don't want to talk to anyone else - go to 59

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now