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You and Jocelyn chop potatos for dinner. A rotation has been established, and tonight is your turn. After sitting silence for a few minutes, Jocelyn looks at you.

"I know it isn't great timing with an apocalypse and all," Jocelyn says stiffly, "but I want to know if you have feelings for anyone here."

Woah. That was straight to the point.

"Uh," you stutter. "Why?"

"I think Carter and Oliver are cute, and want to know what you think? Would you be fine if I made a move on one of them?"

You don't know how to respond, since you're not sure where your feelings lie at this time.

"What about Michael?" You ask her. "He hasn't caught your eye?"

"Michael?" She snorts. "I've caught his eye at least. Maybe. Only if things don't work out for anyone else. Actually," she pauses to look at you. "I was thinking that you should get with Levi. We don't know how many other survivors there are, and that way we could all marry someone young."

"Excuse me?" You say in shock.

"Plan ahead." Jocelyn rolls her eyes. "We're humans. We're not going to let the race die out, are we? You're seriously telling me you haven't thought about this?"

"No." You shake your head in disbelief. "My mind's been focused on survival."

And possibly crushes, but definitely not marriage. Where the hell are we going to find a priest, anyway?

"Just something to think about." Jocelyn concludes. "Since you're not 'talking' to either of them, I'm going to go after them." She smiles at you. "Just some friendly competition is all."

You don't know what to say, so you don't say anything at all.

Who do you want to talk to next?

I want to continue talking to people - go to 49
I don't want to talk to anyone else - go to 59

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now