10 2 0

Unsure if she's a zombie or human, you aren't willing to take any risks. You run up behind her, and Stan her ferociously, aiming for her heart. Her flesh isn't as soft as a normal zombie's, and you really hope she wasn't just some crazed lady.

She falls to the ground, and you look in horror at what you've done. Harvey steps around the register, and gently pats you on the back. He cautiously budges the motionless woman with his shoe, and after receiving no response, he pulls up her pant leg to check for a bite.

"There it is." Harvey nods his head. "There's the bite. It's pretty fresh, probably about ten minutes old, which means there's one or more zombies nearby. Thank you for taking initiative. That's a priceless skill." He gives you the most of a smile that he can muster. (+1 Harvey point)

"Alert the others of our situation." Harvey runs back behind the register, and you follow. Before you finish sending the message, you hear the reckless pounding of a zombie's feet headed towards the door.


You quickly send the message before jumping to your feet to assist Harvey with the next attack.

"Let's go to the roof," Harvey shouts.

You follow him upstairs, and can hardly believe what you are seeing. Dozens of zombies are running maniacally through the streets. Some are heading for the gas station, some are heading the opposite way, and some are just running in circles.

"Should I send for everyone?" You manage to gasp out."

"Yes. Would you like to stay here, or fight with Oliver in the woods and Violet in the woods? Nana and Carter can get the new recruits ready on their own."

Stay on the roof with Harvey - 35
Go to Oliver and Violet - 36

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now