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"Hey," you smile at Angelica. "Want any help?"

"Hm?" she looks at you in surprise. "Oh," she laughs, "Sure, I just couldn't sleep."

You pull a pillow up behind her, and begin braiding her hair. It's amazing to you, how close and conformable you feel with her, having known her for under twelve hours.

I guess it's just the high intensity of the situation. I feel really close to everyone, and like I can trust them with my life. I guess that's what I'm doing anyway.

"Sooo," Angelica yawns, while shrinking her shoulders. "Tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Well," you begin, "you know my name's y/n. I'm a senior in college, and I'm studying art. I'd like to be a painter." you smile. "What about you?"

"Cool," Angelica responds. "I've always been interested in being a surgeon, but I was recruited by a modelling agency last year, so I guess life had different plans for me." She shrugs.

"No way. I'm shocked that happened to you." you laugh sarcastically. "Seriously though, that's cool. Would you ever reconsider becoming a surgeon?"

"Possibly." she shrugs. "Could've been useful during a freaking apocalypse."

"Nah, you can just intimidate the zombies with your model face." you make your best imitation of what you think a model looks like, which makes her laugh.

You make small talk, and joke for a little longer, until you both finish braiding.

"Welp, that's all your hair braided." you declare, as you place the last braid on top of her head.

"Thanks." she gives you a goofy smile. (+1 Angelica point)

Angelica wishes you a good night, before heading downstairs to bed. You grab your water, and are about to head back down, when you see Jocelyn coming up the stairs

"Hey," Jocelyn smiles at you. "Where's the water?"

Show her the water and go downstairs - go to 43

Show her the water and continue the conversation - go to 44

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now