23 1 0

"I'll go with Oliver." You state. "I like animals."

Oliver grins at you. (+1 Oliver point)

"I'll go with you, Harvey." Violet tips her head in his direction.

"Alright," Harvey nods, "That means you'll stay with Nana, Carter."

"Fine by me." Carter throws a smile at Nana, to which she returns a bigger one.

"Use the weapons I gave you already," Harvey continues. "But everyone grab a knife as well. You'll need it for close contact fighting. Let's go."

You all head your separate directions.

"Is your solar powered phone charged?" Oliver asks, his eyes filled with hope that you'd say yes.

"Yep." You smile. "Why, because yours isn't?"

"Maybe," he laughs nervously.

You two make your way into the forest, with Oliver in the front, and you in the back.

"I hope you don't think we're bad people for taking over someone's livestock." Oliver rubs his neck.

"No, definitely the opposite." You respond. "They would die, otherwise. Don't give yourself a hard time about it." You poke him in the back.

"Hey!" He laughs, and springs forward a step. You continue down the path for a few minutes, before Oliver continues speaking. "Serious question. Cats or dogs?"

Cats - 32
Dogs - 33

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