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"Right here." You motion her over, and hand her a water bottle.

"Thanks." She accepts it gratefully.

"So where did you all come from?" I ask her.

"Ugh," she starts. "Long story, but we were all visiting our parents house, and intended to surprise mom for her birthday, but that didn't exactly go to plan." She raises her eyebrows, and motions to the room she's standing in. "Levi went inside, and apparently found mom...uh," Jocelyn stops for a second, choking back tears. "That mom was infected, and was going after dad. She got him." Jocelyn looks up, and uses her thumbs to wipe underneath her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I've said those three words a ridiculous amount today, but I really am sorry."

She laughs a little bit. "It's alright. I'm sorry about Violet. From the short amount of time I've been here, it seemed like you two were close."

"We were." You smile sadly.

"Did you previously know anyone else here?"

"Just Carter." You respond thoughtfully. "We became good friends when he moved here in the third grade."

You think you see a flicker of jealousy dart across her eyes, but get the impression that she's glad you didn't say anything about Oliver.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, but I'm heading to bed." Jocelyn yawns, and begins walking downstairs. She turns back to look at you. "I really am sorry about Violet, and am here if you need to talk." She gives you a genuine smile. (+1 Jocelyn point)

You have no idea what to make of her. You go back downstairs, and climb into your cot. An hour or so later, you can tell that everyone is sound asleep, but you're nearly unable to close your eyes. You hear a light tap at the door, and wonder if it's just your imagination.

*Tap. Tap. Tap.*

There it is again. You crawl out of your hammock, and look through the peep hole. It's Levi. You let him in quickly, and wonder what on earth he was up to outside.

Find out what he was doing - 45
Leave him alone - 46

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