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Angelica is walking along a creek in the woods, when you approach her. When she sees you, her face breaks into a wide smile, and you notice a tiny gap between her two front teeth, that you've never noticed before.

Your heart skips a beat, seeing her smile like that, and you can't help but give one back to her.

"I need your opinion, y/n." Angelica calls. "What does this rock look like to you?"

You take the rock from her hands, and flip it around, scrutinizing it.

"A misshaped oval?" You ask confusedly.

"Oh, come on," she laughs. "I thought you were an artist. Guess again."

You stare at the rock for a long time, but can't think of anything. The rock looks utterly shapeless to you.

"I'm sorry, but I'm really drawing a blank."

She sighs. "Let me know when you figure out what it is. And," She blushes slightly, "you can keep it." She smiles at you, then skips away, her pockets filled with rocks.

You stare at the rock a while longer, and your face reddens when you finally see what she's talking about. She wasn't talking about the rock itself. Stuck inside the rock, is a perfectly shaped quartz heart.

You think back to what she just told you.

You can keep it.

So either we're really good friends now, or she has feelings for me.

You rub your eyes, and slip the rock into your pocket.

I'll have to feign ignorance until I make up my mind about who I like...

(Add "Angelica's rock" to your inventory)

Who do you want to talk to next?

I want to continue talking to people - go to 49
I don't want to talk to anyone else - go to 59

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now