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You gather a bunch of colorful wildflowers to bring to Rose. You find daisies, poppies, asters, primrose, bluebells, goldenrod, geraniums, honeysuckle, and your favorite; violets.

As you walk back to the house, you think about the different ways you can braid Rose's hair to hold the flowers. As you're walking, you create a flower crown for her.

Everyone's been working hard to make sure she feels at home. She still hasn't said much, but she smiles a little more every day. She's especially taken a liking to Oliver, and after him, you.

You reach the shed, and walk up the stairs quietly. Rose is sitting on a pillow, playing with some wooden sculptures Levi's carved for her.

"Hey, Rose." You speak softly. "I brought something for you."

Her big dark brown eyes meet yours. Hers are surrounded by red. She's been crying. You walk over to her, and sit down next to her.

"I brought these in for you." You push the basket towards her. She picks up a few flowers, looks at you, and looks back down at them.

"Look." You smile. You pull your hair into a braid, and place a variety of flowers into it. She stares transfixed at your hands working in your hair. You tap your head, and motion to hers.

"Would you like me to do this in your hair?" You ask her.

She crawls closer to you, and reaches a curious hand into your hair. She pulls out a violet, picks up other violets from the basket, and hands them to you.

You hold back tears, and smile. "Violets are my favorite flower too."

She sits still as you braid her hair, and delicately place the violets into it. When you're finished, you adorn her head with the flower crown. You stand up and extend your hand to her. She takes it, and you lead her to the mirror. She looks in the mirror, and giggles. She leans her head against your hand, and then looks up at you as if she's thanking you. She then releases your hand, and runs back to her wooden toys, and begins giving the toys flower crowns of their own. (+1 Rose point)

Who do you want to talk to next?

I want to continue talking to people - go to 49
I don't want to talk to anyone else - go to 59

Choose Your Own Adventure Story - Zombie ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now