This is how he met my family, and how i met his

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~Marina POV~                   Year : 2021

Its thursday and i just got of the phone with Fabio, we were talking about the dinner we are going to have this saturday, he was anxious. Ofc he would be, he is going to meet my other-half family.You guys should seen him when he meet my and Carlos parents lol. He was going to pass out. I cant say i was any better when i found out his parents was also there at the same restaurant....


I had a free weekend and i was in Monaco, Anastasia was out on tour she had that weekend in UK, and i was bored all alone, and Fabio didnt have a race then, so i invited him to my house so he can stay for a few days in Monaco but ofc we couldnt be seen in public together. On saturday, i decided to go live on twitch with my good friend Lando.  Fabio forgoted that i was streaming so he walked inside my room but thank god i stopped him before he was going to be seen in the camera. 

Lando : WHO WAS THAT? 

Marina : Chill Lando! it was just my friend, he wanted to ask me something 

Lando : OH ITS A HE?? 

Marina : Can we please move onnn  

Lando : Fine but i aint going to forget this, we gonna talk later 

Marina : Whatever *rolls eyes* 

*thank god he forgot about it hehe*

 What Fabio wanted to ask me there was if i wanted to go out for dinner together in Monaco! Ofc i said yes, but if i didnt say yes now our parents they wouldn't have known that we are dating.

~Later that night~

It was 8PM so we were ready to go. Fabio got us to a rly nice restaurant and once we sit down,Fabio had to answer the phone so he went outside.After 1-2 minutes i heard a noise of someone yelling my name! Once i look who it was.... (My mom name is Ava and my dads name is Antonio) 

Antonio : Hola mija como estas? Que haces aqui solo? (Hello daughter, what are you doing here alone?)

 Marina : Oh hola papa- uh no estoy solo solo con uno de mi amigos (Hello dad, im not alone, im with one of my friends. 

Antonio : amigo? Un nino? lo conozco? (Friend? A boy? Do i know him?)

 Marina : No- 

Fabio : Je suis de retour ma cherie- uh (Im back love)

 Antonio : ma cherie? from the little french i know that nickname does not sound like a friend-nickname mija.  

Marina : Papa- 

 Antonio : Puedes explicarme que esta pasando mija? (Can you please explain what is going on?). Get up we are going to my table. 

 *Marina & Fabio nods*

 Fabio whispers : What the hell is going on im so stressed 

Marina whispers back : Im so sorry if i knew they were going to be here i would told u, and please calm down you look like your going to pass out! 

Antonio : Ava, mira a quién encontre

 Ava : Oh mija! so happy to see you,i see you're not alone, Antonio why did u get them up from they*re table. 

Marina : Mama its fine, we just got here. Hola Carlos & Reyes.

 Carlos & Reyes : Hola mija, introduce us to your ''friend''. 

Fabio whispers to me : I think they get the hint that we are not just friends... 

Marina whispers back : Yea... 

 Marina : So this is Fabio Quartararo he is a MotoGP rider, he rides for Yamaha,he is french, Fabio this is my mother Ava, my father Antonio, and those are Carlos Sainz and Reyes Sainz, parents of Carlos. 

Fabio : Encantado de conocerte, hablo poco espanol, no es bueno, pero tampoco esta mal. (nice to meet you, i speak little spanish, not good but not bad either) 

Carlos : Ningun problema  (no problem)

Antonio : So, que haces con mi hija? (So, what are you doing with my daughter? 

Marina,Ava : Antonio! Papa!-

*someone walks into our table*

~Fabio POV ~

?/? : fils! Fabio! Je ne savais pas que nous allions vous trouver ici ! (Son,Fabio! didnt knew we were going to found you here!) 

Fabio : Papa,je ne savais pas que vous viendriez ici à Monaco (Dad i didnt knew you were coming to Monaco)  *Marina thinks like 'oh shit'*

Etienne : J'ai eu un dîner d'affaires,(I had a business dinner), mais il a été annulé (but it got canceled). Qui sont-ils? Je suis désolé si j'interromps quelque chose (Who are they? I'm sorry if i interrupt something). 

Fabio : Non ça va... Marina maintenant que je rencontre ta famille je pense qu'il est temps de rencontrer la mienne ,(Marina,now that i meet with your family, i think its time to meet mine). C'est mon pere Etienne Quartararo,(this is my father Etienne Quartararo). 

Marina : Ravie de vous rencontrer, monsieur Quartararo! (Nice to meet you sir Quartararo)

 Etienne : Tu parles francais! (You speek french!) 

Marina : Oui, un peu haha (Yes, a little)

 Fabio : This is my father Etienne.

~Marina POV~

Antonio : Hello sir im Antonio Martinez, father of Marina, this is my wife Ava, and those are family friends Carlos Sainz and Reyes Sainz. Please sit down. 

Etienne : No its okay i wont be ruin your little dinner guys ! 

Ava : No you aint ruining anything please sit. 

Etienne : Okay i will sit with you guys. 

Marina to Fabio : Αs things turned out, I think we should tell them.

 Reyes : Tell us what ? *Fabio & Marina looks at each other* 

Ava : Marina are you pregnant??????!?!?!? 

Marina : Wtf mom no!!!

 Etienne : Then what do u want to tell to us? 

Ava : Language young lady! 

Carlos : Guys please chill, they want to tell us something dont shout. 

Reyes : So Marina what do you guys to tell us?

 Fabio : We have been dating for one year now & Marina : And no one knows, you guys are first to know..

 Ava : What! you guys keep it secret for a whole year?? 

Etienne : And if we didnt meet today at this restaurant you wouldn't you say so? 

Marina : Exactly, we wouldn't say it. Sorry

 Antonio : Dont be sorry mija... You had a hard few years since 2019... u deserve some happiness!

 Marina : Papa... detener... (Dad.. stop..)

 Antonio : Lo siento... (Im sorry...) 

Carlos : Pero es verdad sabes Marina... (but its true you know Marina...) 

Marina : I know.. 

Etienne : I just realised that you're the girl Fabio always talked to me about!!

 Marina : What! What is he saying amoreeee 

Fabio : père!! (dad!!) *blushes* 

Ava : And i just realised that you're the boy Marina wrote songs about!!! 

Marina : Mama!!! *blushes* 

Reyes : Hahaha look at them how red they became after that!

*They all laugh together, and then eat dinner and talked about everything and how no one is supposed to know about it*


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