Shopping gifts for Christmas ? From now?

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-Next day-

~Fabio POV~

I decided its time to start planning about new year's party and how im going to propose to Marina... But first i need to pull everyone to tell them about it, but without Marina being here so i had to do something to get her away from Charles & Lia house and the only person who knows about it its Marc..

*Fabio on his way to Marc*

Fabio : Hey, i need a favor

Marc : Sure whats up?

Fabio : I need to tell the others about the big day- and i need you to take Marina away from here- idk go shopping or something-

Marc : Oh! I see yea i can do that, should i go ask her now?

Fabio : Yes ! I have already texted the others to come in 1 hour *Marc nods*

-They both go to salon where Marina is sitting with Charles & Lia-

Marc : Hey Marina i need ur help with something!

Marina : Sure with what?

Marc : I need to go buy a few new clothes! And i also need help choose a christmas gift for Fabio-

Marina : And do we have to go now ?? Aint a bit early to buy a christmas gift-

*In the meantime Fabio texts Charles that we need Marina out of the house so he can tell everyone about a surprise he is doing for Marina, Charles looks at him and nods*

Marc : Come onnn please ! We havent hang out alone the two of us such a long timeee, pleaseee !

Charles : Yea Marina why u dont go? Its okay, we can hang out tommorow again or later when u guys come back, we can have dinner here !

*Marina thinks that its true, her and Marc havent hang out in a rly long long time*

Marina : Fine, we can go today !

Marc : Oke lets go !

Marina : Now ?!?

Marc : Yes noww ! Bye guys !

Fabio : Byee have fun ! *kisses Marina*

Marina : Bye chicos !

-After 30mins everybody got to Charle's house-

Carlos : Ok so, what are we all doing here? and where is Marina and Marc ?

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