''Miss Quartararo'' pt.2

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-after the wedding-

Fabio & Marina and the others went to take photos, a little later they left and went to where the party would be happening, now Marina and Fabio started taking photos alone.

Fabio ''When you told me you were going to stand me up, i first didnt believe it, until i realished when i came at the venue, that you werent joking'' laughs 😂😂

Marina ''Oops ma bad baby, my mom told me that you were waiting for years to marry me sooooo'' Fabio laughs

After they took some photos they then went to the party place.

-at the dinner/party-

Till Forever Falls Apart was playing, Fabio & Marina walked into the place were the party was going to happend, then everyone started clapping and cheering once they walked in, at the couple who just got married and looked extra happy :) (as they should)

Then the song Love Of My Life by Harry Styles started playing and Fabio & Marina was still getting congratuated from people, after the song finished they had their first dance together.For the first song, she letted Fabio choose it, Fabio of course wanted to choose the song, they first danced together, it was one of her songs. The song Lover (og by taylor swift)

Lover - First Dance Remix

Marina ''No you didnt'' said as they looked at each other

Fabio smiles ''Miss Quartararo, can i have a dance with you?'' he offers her his handMarina accepts it without thinking twice ''Ofc Mr. Quartararo'' and laughs

-While they dancing-

Marina ''You remember it..''

Fabio ''Ofc, you though i forgot it?''

Marina ''You look so handsome today, so hot''

Fabio ''Thank you, you also look nice''

Marina ''Just nice?! come on, i married you for a 'nice'? Fabio'' and laughs

Fabio ''Im just joking ma cherie, you look amazing, words cant say how i feel right now my beautiful... wife'' they both smiled at each other

-song ends-

Marina ''Now my turn-'' second song starts playing

Fabio smiled at her when he realished what song was playing, I just called to say i love you started playing

Marina ''You like?''

Fabio ''Fuck yea''

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