pt. 3 Italy (1)

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~Marina POV~

It was the first week in Italy and everything was beautiful! Now, in saturday, everyone was getting to go to the club. While me and Fabio were getting ready, we heard yelling, from one of the others rooms. We did not pay any attention to it. Then when we went downstairs we found out that it was Charlotte & Charles that was yelling. Charlotte did something again ig. Then they both come downstairs running.

~Charlotte POV~

Charles : Sorry we are lateMarina : Its okay me and Fab just got here, everything ok u guys?Charlotte : Fuck off Marina, like u care! *rolls eyes*Charles : Hey! Speak better to her, she didnt do anything!Charlotte : Are u sure about that?!Marina : Ey yo wtf is your problem, did u see me do something to u c? Cause i didnt do anything! Pack up! *Marina starts getting angry*Charlotte : Whatever *walks outside*

~Marina POV~

Marina to Charles : What the fuck is her problem with me mate?!??Charles : Ι guess she took her anger out on you, we were fighting earlier, thats why we were late.Carlos : We figured out Charles..Lando : Ok but like, can we go?Anastasia : Yea guys we are already late!

~Charlotte POV~

When Charlotte walked outisde, she called something and told him stuff.?/? : Whats up Cha?Charlotte : Hey, can u do my a favor??/? : If i can do it, then yes ofcCharlotte : I want you to leak some photos i have ok? But dont say that i gave it to u ok?*sends the photos* (The photos are from Marina and Charles from years ago. Marina and Charles were dating since Marina was 16yrs old and Charles was 17, but they break up one 1,5 year later).?/? : Since when are those photos from? and.. is that Charles Leclerc?Charlotte : Yes thats him, and Marina Martinez from years ago, they were dating back then. I want you to leak them ok?*after they talked,Charlotte heard people coming outside of the house and hang up on the call*Luisha : Hey Charlotte are u ready to go?Charlotte : Yes! *then they all left to go to the club*On the way there...

~Marina POV~

My phone keep buzzin', i looked at it what do i see? Old photos of me and Charles when we were dating got leaked from somewhere and it blow up on twitter ! Marina : What the fuck!?!?!?Fabio : What happend babe?Marina : Someone leaked old photos of me and Charles!Fabio : Okay.. and? Whats the point there are they just photos-Marina : We were dating back then!Taxi driver : Erano qui (we are here)Marina : Grazie (thank you) *and pays him*Once they got outside Fabio grabs her hand and went to talk somewhere privateFabio : What do you mean you and Charles were dating back then!? Show me the photos Marina!Marina : Look when i was 16 i dated Charles he was 17 back then, but after 1,5 year we broke up. Fabio i dont have feelings for him! Im here with you! Not with him! He is my best friend! Fabio : Yea but you always are close to each other.... And maybe thats why him and Charlotte we're fighting earlier, maybe it was you the reason!Marina : Idc if it was me! they had no reason to talk about me! me and Charles broke up years ago! We were kids! I love you Fabio! Not him!Fabio : You love me huh? Marina : I do, u dont believe me?Fabio : Marina- Marina : So u rly dont believe me. And there where i though since last time u would start believing me again. *she goes inside to the club to start getting ready for the live*

~Lando POV~

Lando : Hey Marina, where were u? i was looking for you! I though we should- Are u ok? Marina : Im fine, i just got a little fight with Fabio again! What did u though? Lando : Are u sure u are ok? u know we can just cancel it- Marina : No im good! Just tell me what u though! Lando : Okay, so i though we should remove some songs and put new ones- Marina : Yea sure no problem, u do that and i will check it in 5 mins, i need a drink !*After some songs, Marina introduced Lia to sing with her few songs they had together and later she introduced Lando as her Dj for the last few songs* (Marina & Lia singed together few of their songs they had made together, one of them was : Think About us (by Little Mix ft. Ty Dolla $igh)).As Marina sing, she keeping looking at Fabio's way, and saw him talking with Charlotte for a long time, she just keep thinking what on god can Charlotte tell Fabio. After few songs she looked at the same place Fabio was and didnt see him there,she had to perfom two last songs, beofre she go and explain better what happend between her and Charles ages ago. After Marina was done singing, she got of the stage and started looking for Fabio, but she failed to find him so she called him, he didnt pick up, she knew something was off, so she went to find Carlos or someone, she didnt find anyone, she only knew where Lando was, on the stage. But once she looked somewhere close to the stage she saw Lily being little stressed so i went over there..Marina : Lily do u know where Fabio is? I been looking for him minutes now, and i cant find him he does not even pick up the phone-Lily : Marina- i want you to look at me in the eyes and promise me u wont be angry or something-Marina : What. Happend.Lily : Fabio and Charles- Marina : What abo- Lily : Marina they are fighting!!! Marina : WHERE!? TELL ME! Lily : In the back! *Marina started to run to the back, Lily follows her, but what she sees, wish she didnt**Fabio punches Charles*Marina : What the fuck is going on here boys!!!Carlos : Marina- u shoudnt be here- Marina : I saw Lily and i knew something was off!*Marina goes to Fabio & Charles, as the others trying to pull the off each other*Marina : Fabio !! Stop!! You're hurting him!! Charles stop!!!Fabio : Dont back him up Marina bc he was your 1st love! He deserves it after what Charlotte told me what is going on beetween you 2!!Marina : Fab, Look at me! Whatever Charlotte told u it was lies! Fabio : WHAT WOULD U KNOW HUH?, HOW WOULD U KNOW?! Marina : BC SHE IS A CHEATER,LYIER AND BACKSTABBER FRIEND! U THINK I DONT KNOW ABOUT HER CHEATING ON CHARLES SO MANY TIMES? Charles : She cheated?!?!? Marina : Oui! Carlos : Guys please calm down! Paparazzi are here! We have to go! Alex : Yes guys please calm down and lets go back to the vila! Before things get more bad than already is! *they all decided it was a good idea to go back to the vila*

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