'Indian GP + Japan GP'

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After some days of the San Marino GP, Marina finaly got her right hand cast off. Now she was finaly free to do more stuff than sit around, the cast from her right leg, she would remove it in a week, if everything goes alr and dont damage it more. (such as if she falls down lol idk).

- Indian GP -

I didnt want to stay home again, and this time i would alone, since Carlos was going to Japan for the weekend for his race (f1), so i decided to fly with Fabio,Tom,Tony to India for the gp. 

~ Marina POV ~


As i walked into the garage with Fabio, i waved to Valentino, and once he saw us he smiled and walked up to us.

Valentino ''Well look who do we have here, i see you got ur cast off eh'' smiles

Marina nods and smiles ''Yes sir,  dude, im so glad i got it off, now i can work and not have someone else do something for me, you know how much i hate it'' Vale nods

Valentino ''I know, come on lets sit you down''

Fabio ''Yeah, sit her down, she is tired-''

Marina ''Im not tired-''

Fabio looks at her ''Didnt u say a few mins ago that you were too tired to walk over here?''

Marina ''Alr, alr, you got me'' Fabio laughs

Fabio ''Ha! Anyways im off to my garage, if u need anything call me'' 

Marina ''Yes, yes'' and Fabio hugs her and she kiss his cheek and leaves.

Valentino ''Alr lets get u a chair to sit down'' Marina nods

-Ater an hour-

Marina had to do some interviews now, so Valentino helped her walk to the press confernce room.

As they walked into the place, Valentino was holding Marina so she wouldnt fall down, Marina noticed that she was going to be in the same interview as Fabio,Pecco and Marc.

Valentino & Marina walked together to the chair so she can sit down.

Pecco ''Turtle Marina, you walk so slow'' says as a joke and laughs

Marina gives him the middle finger, and Fabio & Marc started laughing

Valentino ''Marina!''

Marina ''What!?!?? He started it!''

Valentino sighs ''I cant deal with you kids anymore'' 

Pecco ''I didnt do anything-'' hold up his hands in defence

Marina ''... Έχεις χάρη που δεν μπορώ να σηκοθώ χωρίς βοήθεια αλλιώς θα σου έλεγα εγω, δεν έκανες τίποτα ε.'' (You're glad I can't get up without help or I would have told you, you didn't do anything huh)

Fabio ''Oh god'' continued to laugh

Marc ''Oh mierda hahaha'' they know if Marina starts speaking greek, shes mad

Pecco smile faded ''... Im pretty sure you just told us that you are going to crash into me, in the next race''

Marina started laughing but shakes her head ''No''

- Skip quali + sprint race - . - Race day -

Fabio was in a good mood today, since he had a good result yesterday in sprint race, p6, lets just hope nothing destroys his mood today.

Marina ''Good luck Fab'' kisses his cheek ''And dont you dare to crash'' smiles

Fabio smiles ''I'll try my best mademoiselle'' lets out his arms for a hug, she hugs him

Today also was the Japan GP in F1, Marina had planned to go, but those plans were canceled since she could even really walk without support, Marina adores Japan. Everytime there was a race in Japan, she would always fly first before the others, to try to check out places, and maybe get cool stuff. :)

Marina before every races had a tradition, she would always wish her friends good luck. This year is different tho, when she was also racing in f1, she would walk around in the few garages and wishes her friends good luck. This year was different  cause she had to do it a long time before a race, and on the phone too. Now she can only walk around in the MotoGP garages 😂

Japan GP race results :

p1 Max , p2 Lando, p3 Oscar,p4 Charles, p6 Carlos,p10 Pierre, Alex dnf

Marina was so happy for Oscar! He is the first rookie to get a podium in their first year in f1, after her. When Marina joined f1 in 2018, she got her firsts pole,podium and win, she almost won the championship. Marina had helped Oscar get into F1, and now he got his first podium innit. 

India GP race results :

p1 Marco, p2 Jorge, p3 Fabio, p9 Marc

Marina was sitting together with Valentiso watching the race in the garage, Marina was holding Valentino's arm as the checkered flag was out.

Marina ''OY MY FUCKING GOD!'' Fabio finished 3rd! She couldnt believe her eyes, finaly Fabio had a good result in one race this year!

Marina ''Omfg Marco,Fabio!!!''

Valentino nods his head and smiles at the young girl who was so much happy about Fabio.


Marco was the first one to park his bike in the number 1 place, we all cheered for him, i patted his helmet, then he talked to Vale, i was just waiting for Fabio to pull up. Then i saw him riding his way to the 3rd place.

Once he got out of the bike he runned up to me, and hugged me


Fabio ''I CANT BELIEVE IT'' Marina pats his helmet, then he went to his team.

- Podium celebrations -

Once Fabio got his trophy he winked at me and we all cheered for him. Later Fabio sprayed us all with champange. I guess thats revenge for the other times when i did that to him 🤷‍♀️😜 (or for the future)😜

Later that night Marina,Fabio,Tom and Tony went for beers to celebrate the podium.

~A week later~

A/N ''Sorry for not updating so soon, or making big ones :'( i dont have that much time anymore, im trying my best to write something even if its dumb lol''

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