Is this over?...

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~Marina POV~

Its been a few days and Marina havent talk to anyone, she rarely left the house, but she was thinking to tell him that she is leaving from Jos house, so she wont bother him or his family anymore. Marina on her way to talk to Jos.

Marina : Hallo Jos, kan ik je prive spreken? (can i talk to you in private?) Jos : Ja (Yes), *they went to a more private room* Jos : Wat wil je me vertellen? (What do you want to tell me?) Marina : I just wanted to tell that i will leaving today, i will go to a house i rented until the end of my trip.. Jos : Did u talk to your friends? Marina : No.. they keep calling me and texting me even tho i told them to not do it. Jos : Ofc they would do that Marina! They're your friends! They care about you! Marina stays silent.. Marina : I will talk to them.. Jos : When? Marina : When its time to you know, me sing/do my live with Lando. Jos : Marina- i know your thinking this is hard but its not, please call at least one of the girls. Marina just starts packing up her stuff, Jos sighs and leaves the room.

~Jos POV~

This girl will be the death of me! She havent left the house in days! And i always hear her cry, i hope she wont hate me more after what i did last night... *knock knock*Jos : Welkom Max (Welcome Max), hoe is het? (how are you?) Last night i decided to call Max, i know he must be worried about her, they're like brother and sister, and i was right, when i called him i heard it in his voice that he wasnt ok, so i told him everything about Marina coming here.. Max : Hallo, met mij gaat het goed, waar is ze? (im fine, where is she?) Jos takes him to Marina.

~Marina POV~

I heard the door open and someone walked in.

Marina : Jos, Ik heb je gezegd dat ik ze niet zal bellen, ik heb je gezegd dat ik erover zal nadenken (I told you I won't call them, I told you I'll think about it) Max : ik ben niet Jos (im not Jos) Once i realised who it was i stopped doing what i was doing. Max : Ik wist niet dat jouw Nederlands zo goed was (I didn't know your Dutch was this good) Marina : Max... Max : Come here kiddo and hugs her, she hugs back. Marina : How are they? Max : Why dont u call to found out? Marina : I cant, they wont forgive me for leaving like that... Max : How would you know? Marina : I just know ok? Its me who left without telling anything, with just a letter. Max : Well everyone is stressing to where u ok or no, and thank god to my vader (father) who called me last night and told me everything. Marina : ik zal hem slaan (i will punch him) I told him to not call u. Max : I know. Come on get up, u have everything packed? Marina : I do, im going to a hotel i have a check-in in about 2 hours. Max : What hotel? U aint going to any hotel ur coming back to the vila. Marina : Max- Max : And i dont hear anything. Marina : Whatever i will find my way to change your mind Max : wat je ook helpt om 's nachts te slapen (whatever helps you sleep at night) *Marina rolls eyes*

Back at the house..

~Fabio POV~

Marc : Bonjour Fab, how are you feeling? Fabio : I have been better, Isa : Dont worry Fab, she will come back, she always does. Then Max comes into the kitchen Max : Hey guys i have a thing to do, i will come back later cya, Daniel : Huh, weird anyways what do u guys want to today to light up the mood. Fabio : You guys do what you want ima go to my room im not in the mood.After two hours i heard yelling downstairs but i didnt pay attention. Then, Charlotte came into my room, i just looked at her. Charlotte : I just came to say that im sorry, i didnt want things to end like this- i was drunk and i didnt know what i was doing or saying- Fabio : Save it Charlotte, your sorry wont fix anything! She wont come back to me, maybe even to us. Charlotte : I also wanted to say sorry for leaking those photos of Marina & Charles.. *the yelling continutes downstairs, but you cant understand why they're are yelling so Fabio goes downstairs to see what is happening, Charlotte follows him. When he sees what is going on he stopped on his tracks, and just looked, until Isa saw them, and told Fabio with her hands to come over, he didnt just walk over, he runned up to her and hugged her.

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