Its lights out and away we go in Spain!!

100 4 0

(Lets just say that williams in 2022 was a top team like Red Bull)

?/? Its race day here in Spain! As we saw yesterday Marina got pole position and she won the sprint race! Extra points on the tableeee for the teammm! Lets see today in the race if shes going to win !

~Marina POV~

Pre-race interview :

?/? : So today we have here Charles Leclerc, Max Verstappen and our Sprint race winner and pole position for today's race Marina Martinez ! The top three people in the championship! Interviewer : So how do you guys feel about today's race? Charles : Everything looks good for me! The car feels awsome for one more time! Max : Yea, everything looks good here too! What about you Marina? Marina : Haha, yea everything is good! Got some extra points yesterday and i cant wait to get more today!! *croud cheers* Max : We will see about that dear! Charles : Ooo guys dont fight here! Fight on the track! Marina : Dont challenge me Max! Max : Hahaha, i will win this! Charles : Oh god 🤣 🤣

~?/? POV~

?/? : Its lights out and away we go! Here in Spain!!. As we see Marina have a good starting here...

~Marina POV~

As i turn in one of the cornes i see a big screen and i looked and i saw him.. What was he doing here? And i got into my thoughs, daydreaming, and there Max got 1st place!

Engineer : Marina what happend? Why did you slow there? Marina : Uh i dont know sorry *Pff who would believe me there if they knew what was going on inside my mind!* Marina : Sorry but can you put me in contact with Pierre Gasly? Engineer : Ah why? Marina : Its personal please. Engineer : Copy, we put you in! for 2 minutes! Marina : Ok thank you! 

Pierre : Oui Marina? What happend? Marina : What is he doing here? Pierre : How do you know?- Marina : I saw him on the screen Pierre : Please can we talk after the race? Marina : Yes, cya! we will talk when im on that podium!! 🤣 Pierre : Hahaha we will see about that darling!

Engineer : Ok Marina we are back in! Marina : Ok thank you!

At lap 39 i dont know what happend, and i lost it, i think i got a puntchure??? and then everything went black!

~?/? POV~

?/? : Oh oh! There is a red flag! One of the Williams is up into the wall! Lets see how this happend! ?/? : Oh they got an puntchure! I believe thats Marina if im not wrong!

~Fabio POV~

As i heard and saw what happend, i started loosing it...

~Williams Principal POV~

W/P : Ask her if she is hearing us! Engineer : Marina can you hear us please respond to us asap! Engineer : Marina if u can hear me please respond! Engineer : Marina are ok? are you hurt!?

~Fabio POV~

I started panicking... i didnt know what to do,she hasnt respond to her engineer, all the cars filled up the pit lane, i started looking for Pierre. Fabio : Pierre! *starts crying a little but not alot so the cameras dont get him* Pierre : Hey! hey! ce qui s'est passe?? (what happend??) Fabio : Its Marina... Pierre : It was Marina that crashed like that?!?!? Mick : And she still not have answered e? Fabio just nods Daniel : Hey its ok, dont worry nothing will happend to her! Shes a fighter! And a lover too for you! *Fabio trys so hard not to cry* Fabio : It feels like in 2020 in Bahrain..., i dont know if she will make it out of theere...

W/P : Hey your Fabio right? Marina's boyfriend? Fabio : Yes thats me! Is Marina ok?? Please tell me she is ok... W/P : Uh she didnt respond to us in the radio but the ambulance took her away and they're going to the hospital! If you want u can go with her in the ambulance. Fabio : Yes, i want to go please. *He looks at the guys* Guys i have to go! Carlos : Please give her a hug & kiss from all of us until we come there! Fabio : Ofc... Have a good rest of the race guys and dont crash! Marina wouldnt like that! *Fabio goes to the ambulance, gets in and see sees you connected on the machines and he starts to cry*


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