Chapter 24 An agreement 

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The pizzaplex still continue the rest of the day, even though the Superstar daycare is closed for the rest of the day as the daycare attendant Sundrop and Moondrop are locked in the protective cylinder in parts and service for the rest of the day until this issue is fixed.As the maintenance team didn't enter there because after trying, there was no way of figuring out what exactly is happening as they decided to go for lunch and relax and have a break.

As time continue to pass on as the band continue doing what they usually would do before it will be time to go on the atrium to start the big show.As time continued on passing as everybody was enjoying the rest of the day as the music can sometimes leak into the maintenance area at parts and service in the protective cylinder that was currently on lockdown.

Everything seem to be odd now, as the air felt strange and cloudy as everything was a complete blur as time continued moving forward as everything was uncomfortable. Given when it happened it makes sense for everybody including a certain child that was working and living there on edge. That unfortunate child was currently unconscious as his injuries were fixed up as he was in one of the employee breakrooms resting.

As some of the S.T.A.F.F bots we're doing their job, such as giving out food, and many of the restaurants that this gigantic establishment had within itself and multiple locations including janitorial work as well. Not to mention refilling the gift shops with many merchandise. But for everything in the maintenance area, time seem to be standing still which was very strange, but nobody entered parts and service. As within the locked up protective cylinder.

There was an awol animatronic in there.As some employees entered there, but did not pay attention to the protective cylinder, talking with each other about what's been going on throughout the day not paying attention to the protective cylinder.As the employees were gathering some robotic materials to repair some damages, including damage, in the attractions.

"So you have to repair this sky carrousel in Monty gator golf? I've got to repair some broken screens with the digital advertisement."

" You know it. At least you got the easy part of repairs. I have to fix a hole sky's carousel. Also, how is that kid doing that one got well you know what happened?"

That got the attention of the daycare attendant as the lights were on there and the setting change happen again, but both Sundrop and Moondrop wanted to know what happened to Gregory the child that has been so innocent and loving that got seriously injured the child that they've come to love.As the employees continue talking about what's been going on not realizing that the conversation was being eavesdropped. As employees continue talking about the repairs and Gregory not realizing the conversation was being listened, as the employees were not paying attention at the protective cylinder.

" Luckily, the kids fine but seriously injured. He had to get stitching on his back. I also listen in on Lucretia saying that hit the kids back might have a scar there. The kids unconscious still as he is in one of the breakrooms. He needs to relax after what happened."

" That's a lot to take in. It's a good thing that our best nurse was there. And that poor kid. He definitely needs a break. Do you think his injury will still be sensitive? I know it's a touchy subject but I can't help but be curious at times."

"Yeah his injury is still pretty sensitive. Make sense of how badly it was made. But he'll be fine right now. He needs to take a break. Anyways, let's get a move on. Before anything bad happens."

Then the employees left the parts and service as everything was strangely silent again, as of time itself had stopped once more.As sounds of jingle bells, came throughout the empty pots in service from within the protective cylinder as hands moved up as the dry blood was still left from the injury. The same blood that came from Gregory as his dry blood is still there as the hands did not move as if time had stopped again looking at the dried blood,Gregory dried blood, Starshine dried blood, Nightlight blood.

Gregory the daycare assistantWhere stories live. Discover now