Chapter 46

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The demon warriors advanced to the deepest part of the forest and not one of them was able to come back. The only ones who survived were the queens who led the warriors: Wrath, Gluttony, and Pride. They all came back wounded though. It seemed like they were just barely able to escape. They said Xin was just toying with them. Xin didn't even lift a finger to directly hurt them. She had a lot of monsters that she was able to manipulate at her disposal. Those monsters were the cause of the demon warriors' death. Xin just watched her monsters massacre the demon warriors.

Oscar was losing his hope of bringing Xin back. He thought hard and just couldn't think of any way to bring her back. He visited Kara's lifeless body inside a white room that is full of pretty flowers. They were small orbs around the place. They were the spirits who were tasked to protect and take care of Kara. Kara was wearing a very beautiful white dress. Oscar scanned Kara's face down to her feet. She was so pale, yet she looked like she was just sleeping. He missed his friend so much already. His eyes started to sting, but he needed to get his act together.

He stood next to her and grabbed her cold, hard hands. "What should I do, Kara? Sheena's brokenhearted because of you...everyone is... But Xin...she would be the one who will feel the most pain once she realizes that you died by her own hands. How are we supposed to take her back?" He took a deep breath.

Meanwhile, in the human world... Sheena got out of her room. She was determined to see Kara and face Xin. She didn't want revenge, she wanted to do the right thing. She felt so much regret for being oblivious towards her true feelings for Kara. She also regretted not doing anything even if she already noticed Kara's feelings for her. Kara's glances, her touch, the sweet words she told her...she didn't do anything about it. She just acted like an idiot, which caused Kara to be afraid of her.

"Where are you going?" Othelia blocked Sheena's path because she was attempting to go outside the apartment. Everyone noticed what was happening and they looked at Othelia and Sheena.

"I will go there." Sheena's voice was so cold and lifeless.

"No, you're not. We will be staying here." Othelia said in a stern voice.

Sheena glared at her. "I will, not you. I need to face Xin. I might be able to help them take her back."

"How?" Veronica stood. She was still hopeful of seeing her sister again.

"I still don't know...but...I will help them." Sheena sighed and looked at everyone. "K-Kara will never come back...but Xin could... Please...let me do this."

Everyone was quiet for a full minute.

"Are you in your right mind?" Amethyst asked in a gentle voice. "Are you perhaps...thinking of revenge?"

Sheena shook her head. "Revenge is not the answer. All I want is to help. Xin helped us. I want to repay her for her kindness... You all treat us kindly, you treat us as your friends even though we are demons. No human has ever shown that kind of affection towards us in the past. When we met Xin, everything changed. I know that Kara would love for me to help Xin. It's about damn time that we do something for her."

"Did our lives change when we met Xin?" Amara smiled.

Everyone nodded. Their boring and ordinary lives all started to change when they met Xin. Her allergy to touch, her bluntness, her care, her kindness, and her being a demon changed their lives.

"I'll go with you." Othelia gave a small smile to Sheena. She then looked at her girlfriend.

Hazel gave them an encouraging smile. "Go... We'll be waiting for you."

Othelia hugged Hazel and kissed her on her forehead. "We will be back... I love you."

"I love you too." Hazel kissed her too.

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