Chapter 49

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Xin's POV

The sight of Kara who was fidgeting while she was sitting next to me was quite an amusing sight. She kept touching the part of her chest where I stabbed her. I noticed that Kara didn't have any wounds or bruises on her body. She actually looked very healthy. She looked really confused, but I was also able to see how excited she was to be alive again. I will not let anyone die just because of my weakness. I am going to save anyone who needs my help. Just remembering how poorly I handled the situation with that pathetic demon made me want to bury myself.

Kara looked at me and gave me a small smile. "You saved me queen..."

I shook my head. "I still am not the queen. I'm just a princess in hell." My face became sore.

She giggled. "Doesn't change the fact that you are the future queen. I am so happy to know that you will be the one who will be leading all of us. I promise that I will serve you all my life. I'll die happy serving you, Xin." She kneeled in front of me. "Thank you so much for giving me a chance to live again."

I stroked her hair. "I know that you are willing to do everything for me... You have already proven that to me. I gave you another chance to be alive again because you deserve it. I'll be happy being your friend, Kara. I wouldn't have woken up if it weren't for your help." I touched her chin using my index finger. She looked up and our eyes met. "Just promise me that you'll....GET.YOUR.GIRL."

Her eyes flickered and she grinned. "I will...this time, no more running away."

We both chuckled. We were interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I gestured for Kara to stand next to me.

The door opened. "Sorry for disturbing you, Xin, but can I—" Oscar's eyes went wide and her mouth was also wide open. The documents that he was carrying fell on the floor. Othelia frowned when she saw Oscar's face. She curiously looked at what Oscar was looking at. Her mouth also opened like a big letter O. Shock was written all over her face.

Kara laughed awkwardly and just scratched her nape. "H-Hi..." She avoided their gaze.

The two were stunned, they couldn't speak a single word.

The door opened again and Sheena got in. "You're taking so long..." She looked annoyed while her arms were crossed. When she started to pick up the documents on the floor, Kara happened to be in her line of sight. She gasped and we all heard her gulp hard. Her mouth quivered while her eyes were still glued to Kara.

"I-Impossible..." Oscar mumbled. They couldn't take their eyes away from Kara.

I squeezed Kara's shoulder and nodded to her.

Kara gave me a nervous smile, but she started to walk slowly towards Sheena. Sheena just stood frozen as Kara slowly touched Sheena's face.

"I'm alive...Sheena." Kara said softly.

Sheena was staring intently at Kara's eyes. She became teary-eyed as her breathing paused for a few moments. Her heart was beating really fast. All she could see at that moment was Kara, right in front of her, smiling adoringly as she touched her face. "I-Is that really you?"

"Yes, love..." Kara slowly gave Sheena a kiss on her cheek. "I'm alive again...Xin gave me another chance to be alive again. This time, will you please be mine?"

Sheena jumped on Kara and she wrapped her legs on Kara's waist. Sheena also wrapped her arms around Kara's neck as she hungrily kissed her.

Kara was caught off-guard by what Sheena did, but she slowly kissed her back. She followed Sheena's lead and their tongues fought for dominance. They didn't let each other win.

I just smiled at the wonderful sight. I walked in between Oscar and Othelia and I grabbed them out of the room. The two were still in a state of shock. They were not able to say a single word.

"Give them privacy." I tapped both of them on their backs.

"H-How?" Oscar was finally able to speak.

I crossed my arms and met his confused eyes. "She saved me and I saved her. That's it." I didn't want to go into details as I was way too lazy to speak.

Oscar went near me and tried to hug me, but even before he could do it, my body acted on reflex and I landed a right hook on him. He passed out. "Oh, shit! I'm sorry..." Even though I felt like shit for punching him, I still couldn't bring myself to touch him so I could help him. He's still a man, after all.

Othelia laughed out loud and shook her head. "Don't worry, I got him." She carried him on her back. "But...thank you so much for doing this... Thank you, Xin." She looked at me with sincere eyes as she gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back at her. "I could never really say no to a girl...especially when she's crying right in front of me... It would be an honor for me to help her. I treat you all as my hope that you would also treat me as your friend."
"Of course, you are our friend, Xin. Thank you so much." Othelia's smile became wider. She excused herself and carried Oscar to a different room.

I sighed. I was missing everyone. I wanted to be cuddled by my girlfriends until I fell asleep. I was still weak after I spent a lot of my energy on reviving Kara. And even though I was still not in my best condition, I just had to do it at that moment because time is of the essence. Her remaining soul fragments might vanish if I delayed it even more.

"You have the same power as King Asmodeus. The only difference is that he was able to control his two inner demons." Sloth popped out from nowhere.

"I don't like men touching me. I would pretty much prefer to kill him then let him stay inside my body after what he did." My face became sore after remembering the feeling of having that guy inside my body.

Sloth chuckled. "You're more dominant than I thought... I think slu— I meant, Lust...would love you more."

I rolled my eyes. "Doesn't Lust have a lifetime partner?"

"She had." Sloth just shrugged.

"Who...?" I asked curiously.


I coughed, and then I cleared my throat."How come I didn't notice?"

Sloth smirked. "Because they hate each other...but no matter what they do to avoid that red string on them, they just couldn't run away from it.

I had a mischievous grin on my face. Finally, an idea of revenge for Greed.

Sloth noticed that I was scheming something and she laughed. "Whatever you are thinking of doing...I would love to be in the front row seat and enjoy the show. I am sure that the other queens would love that too."

"I am glad that I could be a source of your entertainment, but could you provide another room for me to sleep in? Those two in my room would definitely need more privacy than me." I was feeling kinda tired.

"Having you here is more fun than I imagined." Sloth giggled. "Follow me."

I followed her towards the room. I need to sort things here as soon as possible so that I could touch my girlfriends again. I kiss their naked bodies next to me.

"And I miss fucking them until they are drained...until they can no longer walk the next day." Seraph laughed.

I groaned. This love demon just couldn't shut up for a moment and give me some privacy to think of my girlfriends.

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