Chapter 43

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Kara's POV

We got out of Sloth's kingdom and immediately headed towards Greed's kingdom. I was with Oscar and a few of the kingdom's strongest warriors. We searched every inch of the kingdom just to find Xin. I had a feeling that she was just somewhere around the area. I need to concentrate to find her. We heard that some warriors weren't able to go back from trying to find the culprit of the destruction of Greed's kingdom.

Without Greed, there was an imbalance in the seven kingdoms. The souls under Greed were looking for her and started to create chaos everywhere. Without the queen of the seven kingdoms, it became problematic for everyone. Wrath and Gluttony informed us that they will be joining the search party for Xin. Lust wanted to go with us, but the other queens stopped her from doing so. We already gave them the signal, informing them that we are already in the forest.

I looked up and saw the trees howling like creepy dead souls. They were laughing and mocking us. The birds also have lots of eyes. They were shrieking to warn us that they will attack us if we ever try to bother them. The sky was so dark and was like telling us that they were not happy with what happened to their queen.

One of the demon warriors signaled that we stop walking. I sniffed and felt the chilling wind blowing against our bodies. I felt my stomach twist and I flinched. I placed my hands on my stomach and applied some pressure to stop the pain.

Oscar ran towards me. "What happened?" He looked so worried.

"S-She's here," I said.

Everyone was on their guard and started looking around. I don't even know why I was so scared. The dark wind was like warning us to not go deeper into the forest.

Three demon warriors walked towards the very dark part of the forest.

"No!" I told them.

When the three demon warriors looked at me in confusion, their heads suddenly vanished.

We have to prepare our weapons. I feel dark magic all around the forest.

"Be ready! Do not stray away from the group!" Oscar raised his voice.

An array of light went towards us and devoured the other demon warriors. Oscar and I were able to dodge the attack. We all saw how the demon warriors vanished just like that.

"This is insane!" Oscar said. He cast a protective barrier when a gigantic snake tried to attack us. That shitty monster was spitting venom on us. I hid behind Oscar and helped him reinforce the barrier.

The snake tried to eat us, but I immediately flew and aimed for its head. I chopped it cleanly and blood splattered everywhere. I was grabbed by Oscar when a huge arrow, larger than my sword was sent flying towards me.

We looked up and our eyes went wide. A massive statue of a demon stood in front of us. It has two swords and a bow on its back. Its eyes glowed blue as it slowly grabbed its swords.

"We're doomed!" Oscar exclaimed.

There's just no chance of us winning against the massive statue. It slowly pointed its sword to us.

"Duck!" Wrath shouted as it swung its sword to us.

Oscar and I ducked. We were almost sent flying from the impact of the sword hitting the ground. Gluttony tried to restrain the statue by using golden chains on its hands and feet. Wrath jumped on its shoulder and the statue turned to sand.

"That was...fucked up," I said. I was sweating so much.

"I find it hard to believe that the best demon warriors were defeated just like that." Gluttony said as she stood next to us.

"Do not let your guards down! I can feel them nearby." Wrath warned.

We heard soft laughter. Gentle wind gathered around us and I started to smell a very familiar scent. It was very familiar, yet it felt darker.

"Xin..." I mumbled as we all looked at the woman who landed on the grass. It wasn't Xin. She was way too different. Her normal demon form wasn't like that. Her usual silver hair became crimson, redder than blood. Her black wings became silver. She also had a horn on her forehead, which looked really sharp...sharper than a sword. Her skin...her fair skin...became tan.

"You killed my toy. Very well." Xin said. Her voice was similar to Seraph's, but it seems like it was fused with a man's voice.

Wrath and Gluttony kneeled. It was almost like someone else was controlling their bodies.

I looked at Oscar who was slowly kneeling too. "What are you doing?" I was so confused

"I-I don't know!" Oscar answered, and then he bowed.

"Shit! This is so not happening! This is bloody humiliating!" Wrath said through gritted teeth.

Gluttony just groaned. The three were bowing to Xin.

Xin chuckled and looked at me. "How amusing... You weren't affected by my command."

My body then became frozen stiff. I felt something invisible wrapping my whole body. I gasped when Xin wrapped her arm around my waist.

"She gave you her own blood? That child is indeed very soft. Well...I can't complain since it's a beauty like you... She really has a good taste in women." Xin started to caress my face.

"Where is she?! Give her back to us!" I gathered all my courage to speak to her. I was scared of her.

She chuckled. "She's sleeping. Let her rest."

"We don't need you. She is already enough for us. Xin won't hurt just anyone...especially...the people that she cares about. You're just an impostor! Bring her back!" I said in a stern voice.

Her eyes met mine. Her rainbow-colored eyes flickered in anger. "You're not afraid of me, are you?"

"Kara! Stop provoking her more!" Oscar yelled at me. He was trying to free himself from the effects of the manipulation magic.

I smirked. "I am not afraid of you. I never will be! I am only afraid of Xin, our only queen. You are a nobody. No one wants you, leave her alone!" I shouted at him.

"Stop it, warrior!" Wrath yelled at me but I paid no mind. The two queens were trying to free themselves from the manipulation magic.

"Xin would never do something like this! She is a demon, yet a very kind demon. Xin, if you can hear me, come-" I wasn't able to finish what I wanted to say when I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

"Shut up, child... If she gave you another chance to live, well, I can take it on a whim!" She smiled sinisterly at me as she showed me her right hand that was literally bloody.

I slowly looked at my chest. My chest has a hole and blood started to come out from my mouth.

"Kara!!!" Oscar screamed.

The two queens were finally able to free themselves from the magic. They also found a way to free me from Xin's deadly grip. I gasped for air and my vision was getting blurry.

"Oh, fuck!!! Fuck!!!" Oscar carried me.

"We can't win against her! We have to escape!" Gluttony exclaimed as she made a magic circle.

"I won't let you through," Xin smirked at us.

I tried to look at Xin. I need her to get her out... I want to help her as she helped me. I am sorry that I let you down, Xin. I'm so sorry that she couldn't love me back... I'

"No... No. No! Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!" Oscar screamed. He was shaking me to try to wake me up.

I weakly stretched my right hand to reach for Xin. Everything was just so blurry.


I saw a silhouette running towards us as I closed my eyes.

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