Chapter 53

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Xin's POV

I gave an order to Oscar and Kara to take Cassandra with them even if it meant hurting the people who were threatening her. Sheena and I went to Cassandra's old house where her father resides. I was inside the old room where I first encountered Greed. Sheena stood next to an old man who was tied in a chair, it was Cassandra's father. I watched the old man scowled at me. There were no signs of fear in his eyes, he glared at us instead. I need to put him in his place...but I don't have the right to do that. I need Cassandra's permission.

Lights suddenly filled up the room, Lust and Greed arrived.

The old man's eyes went wide. He tried to speak, but he couldn't. His mouth was covered with duct tape.

"Oh...nice to see you, Felix." Greed tilted her head as she watched the old man squirm.

"Is she the one, my queen?" Lust asked me.

"Yeah...but he's not the only one."

Oscar and Kara arrived, along with Cassandra. They looked really confused. When Cassandra's eyes locked up with mine, I knew she understood. She was shocked. I sighed and gestured for her to go near me.

Even if she was fidgeting, she still walked slowly towards me. She kept avoiding my gaze though.

"Cassandra..." I said. "Michaela told me everything."

"I'm sorry..." She looked at her feet.

I held her shoulder and squeezed it. "What would you want me to do with that old man?"

She slowly turned around to look at her father. Her face was devoid of any emotion, I couldn't see any sympathy in her eyes. She just stared at her father like he was some kind of a parasite.

"I can add him to my collections." Lust gave him a devilish smile.

Cassandra finally noticed Lust. Her breathing paused and her mouth became wide open. Greed immediately covered her eyes and cast a spell on her. "I forgot that she's a human." Greed chuckled.

"Be careful. It might hurt Michaela if Cassandra falls in love with Lust. It's your job to punish him, it was your fault after all." I crossed my arms while looking at them.

Greed rolled her eyes as she let go of Cassandra. "It's not my fault. It's the humans' fault. My job is just to tempt them."

Cassandra looked at Lust again. The hunger in her eyes vanished, she was just admiring Lust's beauty. She cleared her throat and focused on the situation with her father.

Lust and Greed stood in front of Felix, he was trembling in fear. Greed harshly pulled out the duct tape from his mouth, he cried in pain.

"FUCK!" Felix muttered.

Greed slapped his face so hard.

Othelia arrived, carrying two unconscious men. She threw them near Felix's feet.

"I got what you asked of me," Othelia said.

I nodded. "Now, they are complete."

The two men groaned. Their hands were tied up while they lay on their tummy. They slowly looked up and saw us. Anger and confusion were written all over their faces.

"Goddamnit!!! Let us go! Do you not know who I am?!" The oldest guy spat as he struggled to free himself from the rope that was tied on his wrists.

"Yeah, I know you... The most wanted drug lord living in the city. Actually, you are also on the top of the list in Hell, Mr. Salvador. And that son of yours, the most wanted gang leader. Also notorious for being a rapist. You must be killed right now..." I said.

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