Chapter 40

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Xin's POV

I've been imprisoned for a few days. They call me "Queen" but I've been held inside a dark cell. It wasn't so bad though, because I have a clean, and warm bed. I have good food, and servants come to clean me. It's really boring here though. Greed visits me often even though I never look or talk to her. She kept pestering me to marry her so that she can sit on the throne, and so she can look down on her fellow rulers of the kingdoms of Hell. She might even be the only one who is aware of my presence here in the kingdom of demons.

I haven't even been officially announced as the crown princess yet, and she wants me to marry her? Greed's getting greedier. I laughed at my own thoughts. The cell was equipped with power detectors. If these power detectors detect that the prisoner is using powers, it'll automatically cancel it. I tried to use my powers a few times and failed.

"I want to strangle that bitch!" Seraph exclaimed.

I just laid on my tummy and hugged my pillow. "She's still a woman, Seraph. You taught me that we must treat every woman like a queen. That applies to every woman we meet."

"Yeah, I did...but I've changed my mind. She's an exception to the rule. Can we kill her now?"

I can see Seraph's face getting sour. I chuckled. "Let her be. She won't be able to get what she wants from us anyway."

"I miss everyone." Seraph sighed.

"Yeah. I miss them too." I closed my eyes.

"Come out! The Queen wants to talk to you." The guard on duty opened the door of my holding cell. He was wearing heavy armor. I can't see his face but I can see his large tail.

I just groaned and followed the guard. They brought me to a large room with loads of guards surrounding the place. They all looked at me like they were ready to attack me anytime if I made a wrong move. I shook my head when someone chuckled. I stared at Green who happens to be sitting on her throne which is made of gold that is adorned with diamonds.

"I have an offer for you." Greed started and she gestured for her soldier to come to me. He gave me a small box.

I raised an eyebrow and didn't bother to open the box.

"Wear the ring and be my wife...or...I will kill the people you love." Greed said, and then she smirked.

My eyes flickered. I gripped the box hard as my eyes met her red eyes. I felt like something inside me wanted to be unleashed.

"What did you say?" My voice became ice cold.

"I have deployed some of my men in the human world. Your sister, your girlfriends...I'll kill them all. You can save them though...if you agree to marry me. You gave me no choice. I gave you loads of chances when I was still kind enough to not use violence. I'm getting impatient with your stubbornness, Xin."

"No one can touch them!" I spat.

She chuckled. "I can..." Her eyes were challenging me.

Rage...that's what I felt. I heard Seraph call my name, but all of my attention was on Greed. I wanted to kill her so bad. NO ONE is allowed to touch my family. I will kill anyone who dares to do so. I agreed to go here because I didn't want to put my sister in danger. All I wanted was to talk it out. I didn't want to hurt anyone...unless...I have no other choice.

"Your sister...Veronica has been looking all over for you. She is depressed. Oh...and she's not the only one. her name, right? She had been involved in a bit of an accident. She's at the hospital at the moment."

My dark eyes became gold...and then multi-colored. My eyes were glowing. A bit of an accident? What did she bloody do to her?! Is she alright?! I flinched when I felt pain in my body. I clenched my fist so hard and then I heard something snap in my head. Everyone looked horrified as they looked at me. Green immediately stood up and was on guard. I felt dark air radiating from my body.

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled at her. My voice sounded different... It wasn't Seraph's voice.

Greed didn't speak. She just stood there, looking at me. She was terrified.

My Amethyst?! She did that!! She hurt her!!

I wasn't aware of what was happening, but I heard a lot of screaming and metals clasping. I smelled of smoke and blood. I couldn't see anything. I tried calling for Seraph...but she wouldn't answer me.

"Child, should I erase their existence?"

I heard a man's voice out of nowhere. All I could see was darkness.

"They hurt someone you love. Should I punish them for you?"

I felt the cold wind touching my skin, yet it was a bit warm. I saw one white feather falling towards me, and I caught it.

"Don't kill. Just destroy everything."

I heard him chuckle. "Your human blood is still lingering inside you. Killing all of them would be the best course of action in this situation, child."

"I am still me. No one can dictate me about the things that I should or should not do."

"You will be me...and stay here forever."

The white feather turned to ashes. Something devoured my whole being. I wasn't able to move or speak. All I felt was a pain in my hand. It was a sharp pain like I was being stabbed slowly. I saw a pair of colored eyes looking down on me. Wait, was it smiling? What a creepy smile... My body started trembling and I remembered everyone. Everyone? Who are they? My head hurts so bad. I wanted to scream in pain, but my voice won't come out.

I kneeled down. Why do I exist? Who are they? Why are they smiling at me?

"Sleep, child..."

I felt warm hands holding me. My eyelids were getting heavier. I didn't want to sleep...I was scared... I tried to fight the urge to close my eyes...but when those warm hands touched my face...I slowly closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

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