Chapter 41

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Kara's POV

I was with Oscar and Othelia. We were flying around every night to scan every part of the city. We have been looking all over the place for Xin. It has been a month since she went missing. We can't feel her presence in the city. My friends and I have been trying our best to protect Xin's family. We can't go somewhere far without her permission because we respect her a lot. She is still our Queen. We have always known that she's strong and she's capable of protecting herself...but when we look at Veronica and Xin's girlfriends, we can't help but feel that something bad must have happened to her. They all looked so anxious and depressed. We just don't tell them about what we felt. We also didn't want to jump to conclusions.

Sheena and Hazel were with Amethyst at the hospital. It was their turn to protect her because she had a vehicular accident. Her car was in a collision with another car. Her condition is not critical, but she still needs to be confined in the hospital for a few days for observation. There were also more lab tests that had to be done to make sure that there's no internal bleeding, especially on her brain. We didn't have healing powers like Xin. We can't help her no matter how much we want.

We investigated the accident and we figured out that it was intentional. We were able to detect faint traces of dark power in Amethyst's car. Everyone was depressed with what had been happening but we, as love demons, need to support them as much as we can while we live here. We made a vow to Xin. We didn't want to disappoint her again like that time when Veronica was possessed.

"Time's up. We have to head back home." Oscar notified me and I nodded. We all flew back to the apartment.

"How was it?" Veronica was standing by the front door. She had dark circles around her eyes.

We gave her a look of sympathy. She understood it and nodded. We all got inside the apartment.

"I'm sorry..." We all said the name.

She sighed and sat on the couch. She rubbed her face out of frustration. Waiting for the results for our search for Xin has become a part of her routine. It was already past 2 a.m.  She couldn't sleep or eat properly. Heidi walked towards us and sat next to Veronica.

"Baby, need to sleep. You need a lot of rest." Heidi looked like she was pleading to her. "Xin will be mad at us again if something happens to you."

"I know... I'm sorry...but i-it's just...I don't know what to do... I'm not used to Xin leaving me without a word." Veronica looked so defeated.

Heidi embraced her. "I know, baby. We all feel the same way, but we need you to be strong. Amethyst is hurt too. Xin might really become furious about this."

"I was thinking..." We all looked at Othelia.

"What?" Oscar frowned.

"I have a feeling that Xin might Under realm." Othelia continued.

"You mean, hell?" Veronica asked.

Othelia nodded. "Yes, but we need to confirm it."

"Why would she be there?" I asked. Then I realized that someone must have brought her there.

"Someone brought her there."

"We need to talk to Cassandra's guardian angel. Angels have better vision than us, so we can see the truth." Oscar nodded in agreement.

"Oh, God..." Veronica groaned. "Do you think something bad might have happened to her? Please be honest, guys." She pleaded to us.

I looked at my friends and they all nodded to me. "We also think that...but we really can't be sure about this. Not feeling her power here in the City is already a big mystery to us. I have a much stronger connection to her since she gave me her blood to heal me faster. I really feel like Xin is not here."

Veronica didn't say a word. She was on the verge of tears. Heidi brought her to her room.

"Keep watch here. We will go to the guardian angel." I told Othelia and she nodded.

Oscar and I flew outside again. We were headed to Cassandra's apartment. She already left her father. We must also make sure that we keep her out of harm's way.

We saw the guardian angel stroking Cassandra's hair while she was sleeping soundly. We could see how much she really cares about the girl. She looked at while we stood at the veranda.

"We need your help," I said to her.

She drifted towards us. "About what?"

"Xin is missing. We suspect that she's in the under realm. We need to confirm the identity of the ones who took her before we act." I explained.

She looked at us. She was surprised by what she just heard. There was concern in her eyes. "Okay...but I can't leave Cassandra alone here."

"I'll stay with her. I'll be waiting for you here." Oscar volunteered to stay with Cassandra.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"Where did you last see her?" The guardian angel asked me as we flew towards Xin's apartment.

The guardian angel drifted around and checked every part of the alley. She gasped, then her eyes went wide.

"What?" I was startled and nervous at the same time.

"The best demon warriors got her." The guardian angel touched the walls and closed her eyes.

"Their scent is so strong... I can see why you didn't feel their presence. They are so strong and very capable of erasing their traces."

"Whose warriors are they?" I frowned.


I gasped upon hearing Greed's name. Greed is very bad news. She already gave hell a lot of problems. The seven kingdoms were getting annoyed with her shenanigans. It has been a thousand years since I last saw her, but Othelia and Oscar saw them at Cassandra's house.

"She's already caused so much agony to my Cassandra, yet she came back." The guardian angel said and sighed. "Xin...willingly went with them."

"I'm sure she had a good reason for that. She's not stupid enough to just fall for their traps." I felt the atmosphere getting heavy. I sighed and performed a cleansing ritual at the place.

"I'm sorry if...I'm not helpful enough... There are still rules that we must follow." The guardian angel looked sad.  "She helped Cassandra a lot. I want to be able to repay her kindness..."

"No. You are of great help to us. Thank you, angel." I smiled at her.

"Call me Michaela." The guardian angel said to me and she smiled.

"Alright...Michaela..." I felt awkward. I've never been acquainted with an angel before. "It must be hard, huh? I mean, your a guardian angel."

"Yeah. I prefer to be a warrior angel. They are allowed to have a physical body in the human world for them to be able to do their tasks."

"Because Cassandra can't see you? It sucks to love someone who isn't even aware of your existence." I sighed.

Michaela didn't respond. She looked sad though. "I might see her fall in love with someone else... How I wish it could be me..."

I could feel her pain as she forced a smile at me. We decided to head back to Cassandra's apartment. We told Oscar everything that we found out. We decided to call it a night and just tell everyone about it tomorrow.

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