Chapter 38

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Xin's POV

I was pissed, totally pissed. After hearing Veronica and the love demons' explanation, I was still pissed about what happened. Even I am territorial when it comes to Veronica. I can't be with her all the time to protect her. I gave them a lecture, as in loads of lectures. No one can escape my long lecture, not even Heidi. She was also at fault for not totally stopping her future wife from doing something so reckless. The only ones who didn't get a taste of my wrath were Cassandra and her guardian angel who was just quietly listening on the other side while I gave a lecture to everyone.

Everyone was just quiet, they all looked down. They all had guilty faces, especially, Veronica. I almost lost her. She has to think properly.

I massaged my temple and sighed. "This should serve as a lesson to all of you. DO NOT EVER let Veronica go with you. DO NOT EVER give in to her crazy ideas. What if I was actually making love with some gal, and then you were all just sneaking around?  Then, you will see us in the act? I need privacy. Read the situation well, guys."

They all said: "I'm sorry" in unison.

I looked at Cassandra and gestured for her to follow me. She got up from her seat and we walked together towards my room. I let her sit on my chair while I sit on my bed.

"Greed went back to hell, and I got your soul back. She just gave it to me before she vanished. But...your father's fortune might become significantly lesser. Is that okay with you?" I just needed assurance from her.

"Yes. After what he did to mum..." There was a bit of hatred in her eyes. A white line started to form, and it went inside Cassandra's body. Her guardian angel was beaming in happiness.

"Thank you for saving her." The angel said to me as she smiled.

Cassandra opened her eyes slowly and met my gaze. "Does it mean that I'm not gonna die anytime so soon?"

I nodded. She jumped in happiness and hugged me. She kept thanking me. I tapped her back and gave her a small smile.

"I told Kara and Sheena to get rid of all the demonic stuff in your house. No matter how hard your father tries to call for another demon, he won't be able to summon them again. They're going to erase everything, even in hell...but your father and his minions' soul will go to hell."

Cassandra had a mischievous smile on her face. "I would love for that to happen."

"And I need you to stay away from your father while he still hasn't noticed what we did. He might just do something to bring you in harm's way again. I'll hack some of the banks and transfer some of his money into mine. I'll give it to you, but I'll only get you enough. You can't waste it even if we're talking about millions here. It would still be better that you prepare for your own future."

Her eyes went wide. "Are you serious?"

"I don't lie."

She jumped happily and clapped her hands. "I owe you everything."

"You don't. Just call me if you need help." I squeezed her shoulder.

"I will. Thank you so much, Xin!"

After Cassandra left, I spent my time staying in my room without even bothering to go out for food. I didn't want to see everyone at the moment. I just wanted to be alone.

I remembered that I still have some preparations to make since Cherry will be moving in with us. I made a promise to her, after all. As a responsible girlfriend, I ain't letting her fail any of her subjects.

"You're quite famous." Seraph snickered.

"Shut up, pervert demon."

"Oh, really? I was not the one who kissed her own sister. I thought you were not into incest?" Seraph laughed hard.

"We're sisters. It's not counted. I've always kissed her ever since we were kids. She was the first one that I marked as mine, even if I didn't know yet that I was a demon!" I exclaimed.

"You and your reasoning..."

"Seraph...if you don't stop, I swear I'll never let you take over when I make love with our girlfriends."

Seraph didn't answer. I smirked. I just won, again.

I checked my computer and saw that grandma sent me another task again. I'm knackered. I'll just sleep for today. I lay on my bed and closed my eyes. It's been getting more hectic as days pass by.


I woke up at about noon. I might have been really tired. Thank God! No one actually bothered to wake me up from my deep slumber. I took my sweet time taking a bath. I needed to loosen up my stiff muscles. I need to go to my gym again.

After wearing my clothes, I got out of my room. I saw Sheena and Kara at the table. They immediately greeted me when they noticed my presence. Othelia and Hazel also went to greet me.

"Where is Oscar?" I asked them.

"In the guest room. He had a phone call. He was grounded, so he couldn't meet men." Kara answered

"He is not going out of this place...and you too, Othelia. I will be able to sense if you ever leave this place. If you go out, I'm gonna let Hazel have a month of a staycation at Cynthia's place. "

Hazel and Othelia's eyes went wide as they held each other's hands tightly. "I promise I won't disappoint you again, Xin."  Othelia bowed to me.

"Very well, then," I said.

Sheena prepared our meals. Veronica was in University. They needed to have their attendance checked even though it's just a sports fest, weird.

I asked everyone if they wanted to join me at the gym. Kara and Sheena joined, but Hazel and Othelia declined. Hazel hates getting sweaty.

I can say that the girls were well built for being love demons. They were all good looking enough to be models.

I saw how Sheena drooled over Kara's body. They still haven't confessed to each other. It's way too obvious that they were just holding back. I feel like Kara will be the one who will make the first move. I was really hoping for it to go well.

"Xin...thank you for saving me that time...when he tried to...rape me," Kara said in a very low voice so that Sheena won't hear her.

"I already told you loads of times that it was partly my fault. I'm just glad that I was able to reach you on time." I said as I placed the 50kg dumbell on the floor. I looked at her.

"I'm just weak because I let my emotions get the better of me."

I sighed. "Everyone's been through the same. We can't help it. I know you'll learn from your mistake. But seeing as how Sheena was able to calm you down, I think that you need to be around her 24/7." I winked at her.

Kara blushed. I knew Sheena was eavesdropping on us and she heard the last sentence. I quite intentionally did it. She tried to stop herself from smiling but failed miserably.

I'm playing cupid to my two love demons here.

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