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𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓽 𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝓹𝓼 down onto the couch in the living room, it was another day of waiting for Alice to get another vision so he can have some drama in his life.

Well today he's going to get some, this weekend hadn't started off good for the vampire.

On Monday him and Rosalie had broken up, thought is was good so when they find their true mates, no one gets hurt.

At first it was sad, because they were dating for some time now, but they had to do it.

On Tuesday, he had lost his chance to feed on a grizzly bear, because some noise had startled it away as Emmett was heading towards it. He had to feed on a deer after that, it wasn't the same satisfaction though.

On Wednesday, he had a full blown fist fight with Edward, which he doesn't know why. But they both got over it, siblings fight all the time.

Now it's Thursday and he's bored out of his mind, all the PlayStation games he have, he already beaten them and he doesn't want to do it again, because it will get boring.

He was going to go school today just for the fun of it, but who really likes school? Especially if you been going for over 10 years.

As his train of thought comes to an end, his hearing picks up footsteps.

Turning his head slightly, he sees Jasper walking into the living room with a very excited Alice behind him.

Emmett will usually ignore Alice's excitement, since she's always excited but for some reason he feels like he needs to care.

"What got you so excited?" He asks his adoptive sister.

"I had a vision." Alice practically squeals.

"Okay? You have visions all the time." He raises a brow at the petite girl.

Alice rolls her eyes and sighs. "Do you want to know what it is? It benefits you in terms of your happiness." She huffs.

This gets Emmett's attention, he sits up straighter and motions for Alice to continue. She squeals and speeds to the couch to sit next to the bigger male.

It feels like time stopped, a slow, agonizing but yet an exciting feeling flows through Emmett's body as he waits for Alice to tell him.

"I saw your true mate in a vision!" She squeals.

That was not what Emmett was expecting, he feels his heart stop and breathing catch in his throat at the new information. Even though his heart no longer beats and he no longer need to breathe, he felt that exact feeling.

He just looks at Alice, his eyes wide from shock.

"Why aren't you happy?" Alice frowns at him.

Emmett shakes his head. "No I am, it's just I wasn't expecting that. Trust me I'm excited, I just can't believe I actually have a true mate."

"Well of course you do, ever vampire has one." Alice rolls her eyes at his nonsense.

That's when it finally registers, he has a true mate! And Alice saw a vision of them, he jumps up from his seat and looks to the smaller vampire.

"I have a true mate!" He yells, he picks up Alice and spins her around. "I have a true mate." He repeats.

Finally, something good about this week. Now the real question is what gender they are, he doesn't care if it's a girl or boy. But he needs to know.

He puts Alice down and she smiles up at him. "Ask away." She says, already knowing what he's thinking.

"Male or female?" Is his first question.

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