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𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓸𝓯 school and Stiles is talking to Angela as Bella waits by the truck. "Okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow, bye." They both hug before Angela walks away.

Stiles turns to where his sister is waiting and sees her staring at someone, following her gaze he sees that she's looking at the Cullens.
Well more like Edward Cullen, he rolls his eyes and starts to walk over to her.

A honk catches his attention, turning around he sees a black van coming straight for Bella and it's not stopping.

"Bella!" Stiles yells as he starts to run to her.

It happens so fast, the car collides with Bella and Stiles falls to his knees. He's about to cry but sees Edward stand up and hurry away.

Wait, Edward?

Running to his sister, he sees a huge dent on the side of the van.

"Bell, you okay?" He helps stand up, Bella doesn't respond she just stares at indent.

"H-how...how did he." She points to the dent shakily.

"I don't know." Stiles looks up to see the Cullens rushing to their cars, he locks eyes with Emmett and can see that the bigger male has a panic look on his face.


"Come on, lets go home." He takes the keys from Bella and leads her to the truck.

He knows what he's going to do once he gets home, and that's research.


Bella is still shaken up from earlier, and Stiles can't blame her. If it wasn't for Edward, she would've died.

"Hey guys, how was school?" Charlie walks out of the living room, his smiles turns into concern at the look on Bella's face. "Bells, you okay?"

"Y-yeah? I'll um be up in my room." She says before walking pass Charlie and up the stairs.

Charlie looks at Bella's retreating figure before looking back at Stiles. "What's wrong with her?" He raises a brow.

"A car almost hit her, but Edward saved her." Stiles answers, Charlie's eyes widen in worried.

Without saying anything else, he rushes upstairs to go talk to his daughter.

Stiles sighs and makes his way upstairs, he has some things to research.


He doesn't know how long he has been on his computer, but it's now 3 in the morning.

He had searched anything, to get how Edward got to Bella so fast.

He isn't dumb, he knows that the Cullens aren't exactly human. Really think about it, they have abnormally pale skin, weird yellow eyes and while he was sitting next to Emmett in history class, the guy wasn't breathing.

Like his chest wasn't moving up and down, and he hadn't heard his breathing when they had to work together.

From what Stiles searched up, he came to the conclusion that they're vampires.

Honestly, he's not all that shocked from the information. Of course they'll be other beings in the world, he even heard of some strange things happening in a small down called Beacon Hills in California.

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