11•The Cullens

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Alright folks, I just wanted to let you guys know that from now on it won't be following the plot from the movies.

I would've done that but for this book, that plot won't work. So I'll be writing the way I want to, hope that doesn't stop you from reading.

Please enjoy and on with the book.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝔀𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴 into the dining room, a can of beer in Bella's hand. "Got you another one." She places the can on the table where Charlie is sat cleaning his gun.

"Thank you." Charlie looks at her briefly before going back to his gun.

Bella goes to walk away but stops and places her hands on the table. "I have a date with Edward Cullen." She says.

Stiles just rolls his eyes at her, he stands on the sidelines as Charlie starts to talk. "He a little old for ya, ain't he?" He puts down the cleaner and picks up his beer.

Stiles finds himself rolling his eyes again, he knows how this conversation was going to go. Charlie not wanting Bella to go out with him, because he's "older".

"No...he's a junior, I'm a junior." Bella says. "I thought you like the Cullens?" She adds.

Charlie looks at her, as he places down his beer and gun. "I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town." He retorts, taking another sip out of his drink.

Stiles sighs and decides to step up. "Dad, it'll be fine. I understand you care about her and stuff, but she's old enough to be with whoever she wants." He says, walking in between his sister and father.

"He's right outside." Bella butts in, stepping around her brother.

Charlie looks to his son then daughter. "He is?"

"Yeah he wanted to meet you, officially." Bella nods.

"Alright, bring him in." Charlie sighs as he cocks his shotgun back and places it on the table.

"Can you be nice? He's important." Bella says softly, Charlie just does a weird motion with a finger going around his head.

Bella nods and jogs off to the front door, Stiles just looks at his dad with furrow brows.

"Why don't you like Edward so much?" He asks the older male.

Charlie looks to him. "Because he's dating Bella." He shrugs.

"But I'm dating Emmett and you don't have a problem with him." Stiles points out.

"Because you can take care of yourself, Bella's a girl she-"

"I know you're the adult and everything dad, but Bella can definitely take care of herself. I understand you care about her, but it's not fair if you're treating Edward differently than Emmett just because me and Bella are different genders. Because in all honesty, I can get hurt by Emmett the same way Bella can get hurt by Edward, so please at least be civil." Stiles pleads as he hears the front door open.

"Hey Eddy." Stiles nods to him before walking pass the vampire. "I'll be waiting in the car." He adds before stepping out the house.

Stiles phone dings and he pulls it out just as he slips into the backseat of the car.

The Golden Trio

RedHood: Stiles, you're free today?

Me: Why Iz, what's up?

Catwoman: We need to talk to you about something, it's important

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