23•Who are you?

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𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 person in front of him, he can't be older than 16. He has dirty blonde hair, he's a little short and he looks scared out of his mind. "Who are you?" Stiles asks, he had decided to leave the dance and take a walk with Emmett, but the vampire had heard and smelt an unfamiliar scent and they stumbled upon this boy.

"He doesn't smell human, more like wet dog." Emmett answers him.

The guy looks up at him with panicked eyes, he turns around and goes to run but Emmett speeds in front of him. "Don't think about it." He warns.

Stiles hears the guy whine and sees him step back in fear, as he tries to shrink in on himself.

"Babe, you're scaring him." Stiles sighs.

Emmett looks up at his lover. "He could be dangerous, we don't know who he is." He reasons.

"Just step away from him, I texted the others. Lets wait for them to come." Stiles informs, Emmett nods and steps a little away from the guy, far enough to give him space but close enough to stop him from doing anything.

A low growl comes from Stiles' side, snapping his head towards the sound he sees a huge grey wolf walking through the trees. Instantly he knows who it is by how his spark reacted. "Paul." He says mesmerized by the wolf, this is the first time seeing the shifter in his wolf form.

Paul walks over to Stiles while his eyes stays on the guy, a hand on his neck draws his attention to the spark.

"You're absolutely amazing." Stiles breathes out as his hand moves through the grey fur of his boyfriend.

Paul purrs and leans his head more into Stiles' hand causing the latter to let out a chuckle.

"P-please, I mean no harm." The guy stutters out, keeping his eyes on Paul, scared at the huge wolf in front of him.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you go, you could be a possible threat." Stiles says softly, what confuses him is how his spark is acting. It's like he can trust the person but he also have to be weary of the possible wolf. "Can you at least tell me your name?"

"I-I can't, my alpha ordered me not to." The guy stutters out.

Just then, more rustling is heard behind them. Turning around Stiles sees Edward run into the clearing with Bella on his back, he lock eyes with the vampire and Edward slightly smiles at him.

Surprised by the action, he looks to Bella to see her just shrug.

Rosalie is the next one to come running into the clearing, everyone looks to her and chuckle when they sees her carrying Isaac bridal style.

"Wow, that's not even surprising." Stiles grins at his friends.

Isaac blushes in embarrassment before hastily getting out of the vampire's arms. "There was no other way to get here." He defends.

"Mhm, we all know you just wanted her to carry you." Stiles teases.

"I did not!" Isaac exclaims and looks to Rosalie to ask for help, but his plea dies in his throat when he sees Rosalie smirking at him. "Okay maybe a little, but still it was the fastest way to get here." He pouts and crosses his arm.

"Jacob! Slow down!" Erica yells as she comes speeding into the clearing.

Paul grabs Stiles' by his shirt with his teeth and pulls him out the way as Jacob comes to to speeding stop in front of him.

You almost hit him

Paul growls at him.

Jacob rolls his eyes and huffs.

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