15•Feelings(Paul's part)

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𝓟𝓪𝓾𝓵 𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓲𝓼 dinning table, his leg bouncing up and down as his mind wanders. He doesn't have feelings for Emmett, how can he?

He imprinted on Stiles and that's enough, plus Emmett is a cold one. Their kinds don't work good together, they hate other. They don't like each other, he can barely be next to Emmett so how can he have feelings for him.

But what was that he felt when Emmett stared at him, it made feel weird inside. Like something clicked, no. It was because Stiles was there, that's why he felt that a way.

He jumps out of his thoughts when a hand is placed on his shoulder.

Turning his head, he sees his father standing there with a concerned look.

"You okay, son?" His father asks.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." He lies, Terrance scoffs and sits in the chair next to him.

"I raised you for 19 years, I know when you're lying. So tell me whats on your mind." Terrance says softly.

Paul sighs and decides to actually tell the truth. "I imprinted on someone."

"Paul, that's amazing. So why do you look so down?" Terrance asks confused.

"Because, he dating a cold one and it's hard, okay. I want to be with him every second of the day, but I can't because me and Emmett don't get along. I want to hold him, I want him to look at me the same way he looks at Emmett but I can't stand him. With his stupid looks, he dumb voice that sounds like music to my ear. His stupid yellow eyes that reminds of sunflowers, his annoying muscles. God I hate him and I can't be with Stiles when they're together." Paul rants, he takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly.

"Paul." Terrance says softly.

Paul looks up at his father to see the older male looking at him with a small smile.

"You sure you don't have feelings for that Cullen boy, too?" Terrance raises an eyebrow.

Paul scoffs and shakes his head. "Of course I don't, he's a vampire-"

"Don't use that excuse again, because to me it seems like that's what's keeping you from thinking straight. It sounds like you have feelings for him also, just take that he's a vampire and throw it out the window, when you did that. Think about it, and when you're done. Go do the right thing." Terrance gets up, pats his shoulder and leaves to go to his room.

And Paul does just that, he walks out his house and starts off in a jog. Letting his mind clear and think properly.

He suddenly finds himself thinking about Stiles, but this time it's different. Now Emmett is there, he's imagining Stiles and Emmett looking at him lovingly. A big smile on their faces, then he thinks about them sitting at the beach. Laughing and having fun, he finds himself smiling before he jumps into the air and shifts, running straight through the woods.


Alright, this was a short chapter don't kill me.

Since this is short, I'll be posting two more chapters after this.

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