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𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓸𝓷 the bleachers inside the school gym and takes out a book, today he decided to read the Harry Potter series from the beginning again.

So far he's at the part where Harry just started to learn about magic.

Someone sitting next to him draws his attention away from the book and to the person, he smiles when he sees Isaac and Erica.

"Hey guys." He beams, after he helped Erica take Isaac to the nurse, the three grew oddly close pretty quickly.

It's only been a couple of days and they are attached to the hip, they had shared some pretty deep shit that day.

Isaac for some reason felt safe enough to tell Stiles about his dad and how he was abused after his mother died, Erica told him about how she became an orphan after her parents died.

Stiles decided to tell them that he's not really like how they see him, he told them that he's always doubting himself, thinking he isn't enough for the world and stuff like that.

That's probably why they're so close.

But Stiles doesn't know that the two know about the supernatural and vise versa.

"Hey." Isaac smiles and Erica says a quick shy 'hey'. Even though they're close, Erica is still a little shy. But she did have a glow up, she doesn't wear sweats and baggy shirts anymore. One motivational talk from Stiles, changed her more than he can imagine.

"What's up? Is someone picking on you again?" Stiles closes his books and looks at the two, he smiles when he sees Erica wearing a Catwoman shirt to match his Batman one.

"No, they don't even look our way anymore after you helped us. I just wanted to ask um, about..." Isaac trails off, a blush suddenly appearing on his cheeks.

"Iz, what's wrong?" Stiles questions, this time growing concern.

When Isaac doesn't say anything, Erica sighs and speaks up. "He wanted to know if Rosalie Cullen is single." She rolls her eyes.

Stiles slowly turns his head to Isaac, a cheshire smile slowly playing at his lips. Seeing this Isaac groans and blushes more.

"Does little Izzy have a crush?" Stiles teases him.

"Shut up." Isaac groans and buries his head in his hands.

"Well if I shut up, you won't find out if Rose is single or not." Stiles grins, Isaac snaps his head towards him, his face screaming desperation. "How bad do you want to know?"

"Bad." Isaac whines.

"Well if you say yes to being Robin to our Batman and Catwomen duo, then I'll tell you." If possible, Stiles' grin widens.

Isaac just looks at him. "I rather be RedHood or Nightwing." He says.

"You do know that they were robin before right?" Erica looks at her friend, who she grown to call a brother.

"Duh, but they are better." Isaac rolls his eyes.

"Find, you can be RedHood." Stiles huffs.

"Great, now tell me if she's single or not." Isaac urges on.

"If I may ask," He grins again when Isaac lets out a loud groan. "Why do you want to know so badly?"

"I want to ask her out to the dance." Isaac says easily.

Stiles nods and smiles genuinely this time. "Yeah she's single, and a little birdie told me that she likes you too." He winks.

Isaac beams and stands up. "Awesome! I mean cool, that's cool. Uh, I'll see you two later I have to go to class and work up the courage, bye!" Isaac turns around and basically sprints out the gym.

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