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𝓢𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓲𝓶𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯 in the mirror, he raises his hand and fixes the bow around his neck. "Babe, you look great. Stop messing with it." Paul sighs and swats Stiles' hand off the piece of clothing.

It's been a week since they started dating and now Stiles and Emmett are attending prom.

Speaking of Emmett, he walks out the bathroom while fixing his sleeves.

"Alright, you ready?" Emmett looks up at Stiles.

Stiles looks to him and smiles, the two then look at Paul to see him smiling at them. "You sure you're going to be okay, we can go and get you a suit." Emmett offers, after a week of dating the two had tried to grow close, it's hard and easy at the same time.

Sometimes they get mad at each other for little things and sometimes they're smiling and talking to each other.

Stiles chalked it up to them getting used to being around each other more often, he can't help but feel happy they're trying to be more open with their feelings towards the other.

"Yeah I'm fine, Em. I have to take Seth to the mall for something anyways." Paul smiles at him.

Emmett nods before looks to Stiles. "You ready?"

Stiles nods and smiles, he walks over to Paul pulling him into a kiss. "Bye, I'll text you when we get there. Have fun with Seth." He says and starts to head for the door, Emmett behind him.

"I will, have fun at the dance." Paul calls back as they both leave.


"God, why am I so bad at showing Paul how I feel." Emmett stresses for the tenth time since they got into the car

Erica rolls her eyes and looks out the window, since she hadn't found a date. She took Stiles up on the offer to go with him and Emmett, lets just say that she hates being single.

"You're not bad at it, it's just going to take some getting used to." Stiles tries as he rests his hand on Emmett's thigh.

"I can't even kiss him, and we've been together for a week now." Emmett groans as he turns a corner.

"It's not going to be easy, remember you two just recently came to terms that you liked each other, of course it's going to be hard for the both of you." Stiles smiles at him.

"It's easy for you to say, you kiss us both easily without any problems." Emmett looks at him briefly before looking back at the road.

This time Erica cuts in. "It's because he had feelings for Paul since they met, and since they share a bond, it's easier for him just like it's easier for him to kiss you. You two will get there, it just takes time. So please stop talking about couple things, because I'm thinking about jumping out this car and laying in the middle of the street." She huffs out.

Stiles turns in his seat to look at the blonde. "No need to be negative." He grins at her.

"It's all I can do, I already hear enough of Isaac talking about how much he loves Rosalie and stuff. Ugh! I need a boyfriend, I'm lonely as shit." Erica scoffs.

"What about Jacob? It looked like he had some sort of feelings towards you the other day." Stiles offers.

"Please," Erica scoffs. "All he did was call me gorgeous and that's it. It's not like we know each other and he actually likes me." She says.

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