3.2 Kill Your Emotions

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Madame was an imposing figure - a dark beacon amongst the killers and inventors of the syndicate. A tall, curvy woman with steps that could strike fear into even the best of the syndicate's assassins, Madame was known for her wit, cunningness, and talent for spotless murder. She was the woman who led the underground operations. She was the boss, the mistress, the one that everyone had to answer to. With her dark black hair streaked with gray and her glacial stare, everyone feared Madame. Even Sterling, whose flamboyant attitude was a staple of his character, flinched under Madame's mere movements.

She was standing in the middle of the communications room when Sterling and Aria arrived. On the screen before her was Prime Minister Huyang of Rouver, the mainland of the Seaherst Continent. Beside her stood two young girls, both of them bent over in what Aria guessed to be either fear or shame. Around them sat hundreds of agents in front of large computer screens, typing and speaking like robots.

"Let's hurry this up," Sterling whispered in her ear, his thin beard tickling her cheek. "I'm already hating this place."

"We've been here before, idiot." Aria teasingly pushed him away. "Grow up and let's go."

Sterling huffed but said nothing in reply. He skittered behind Aria and stopped a few inches behind Madame. She turned upon hearing them, and the video call with the Prime Minister was abruptly put to a close.

"Aria." She nodded at the younger girl, her glittering gaze falling on Sterling like the shards of glass he had on his plate earlier in the day. "Sterling."

"Madame," they both said, voices laced with respect and fear. They bowed, and Madame hummed.

"Well done with yesterday's job," she said. "Lord and Lady Garmond have died by suicide, killing the rest of their party, Lord and Lady Sundance included." She smiled wryly. "Sterling, we have discussed showing off before, haven't we?"

Sterling flushed. "Yes, Madame."

Madame's lips quirked and she dragged her long nail up Sterling's hard stomach, over his Adam's apple, and up to his chin, the force getting stronger and harder until she tipped his head back with the tip of her nail.

"It was a nuisance to cover up your enigmatic displays," she said, her voice coarse. "While I appreciate your enthusiasm for this line of work, please keep in mind that we have to create alibis for these demonstrations. Aria." She addressed the petite girl. "You were supposed to be keeping an eye on him."

"I'm not omnipresent," Aria muttered. "I can't control Sterling's annoying behavior all the time."

"Annoying?" Sterling scoffed. "You were praising me yesterday."

"It was a casual compliment. You took it as though I thought you were God."

"I certainly did not!"

"Children!" Madame raised her hands and voice, and the two assassins before her instantly quieted. "What is done is done. You are my best agents, and therefore your reward is that this event will be forgotten. Your punishment, however, is still at hand." She gestured toward the two girls beside her, ignoring Aria and Sterling's groans. "These are Rita and Vita, the Prime Minister's daughters. They are going to be joining our syndicate and will be training under you today. As the best in our community, I expect you to pass on your knowledge to them."

"Yes, Madame," Aria responded, while Sterling continued to mutter under his breath. Aria jabbed him good-naturedly in the stomach and he doubled over, laughing and choking.

"Yes, yes," he acquiesced. "Fine."

Madame raised a sharp brow. "Indeed," she said slowly. "Rita, Vita; Sterling, and Aria are the best assassins Rouver has. Listen to them well."

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