12.2 The Beginning of a Lie

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A pool of dread that had been forming in Aria's stomach deepened when she saw Edward. The bright-faced soldier was chatting animatedly with her uncle but stopped when he noticed her descending the steps from the corner of his eye. His jaw loosened and Aria saw the dark color that overtook his gaze. She wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or revolted - relieved that he still seemed to show some interest in her, as that would help her mission run smoothly; and revolted that her childhood friend had succumbed to the poison that is a man's burning loins. Perhaps he and Sterling had more in common than she initially thought.

"Edward! Darling!" Tamasa rushed to the young man like he was her own child. "It's been so long! Where were you off to?"

"Completing errands, Ma'am," Edward replied. "I had to visit the government office to get my new post and receive my pardon. It was tedious but worth it." He removed his gaze from Tamasa and settled on Aria. "Hey, pigeon."

"Don't call me a pigeon." Aria's shackles rose, but a quick breath calmed her. "How's it been assimilating back to human life?"

"Fascinating. So much has changed in the past years." Edward leaned over the coffee table and put his hand over hers, an act that was noticed by everyone present. "Naturally, you've aged beautifully. You're...what, thirty now?"

"Twenty-nine," Aria muttered, her cheeks burning in embarrassment. "Do I look that old?"

"Very," Tamasa grumbled. "I keep telling her, Edward, to put some cream or light makeup on, but this stubborn girl doesn't listen!"

"Now I'm stubborn?" Aria rolled her eyes. "I think you have a problem, Auntie."

"I do not! Bhuv!" She shrilly commanded her husband's attention. "Do I have a problem? I don't, right? Look at what this silly girl is saying!"

"Darling..." poor Bhuv found himself trapped. Anything he could say would land him in hot water, either with his wife or his niece. Naturally, both options would be life-ending (one of them quite literally).

"You're very kind, Lady Kumar," Edward interjected. "Aria takes a lot after you."

"Are you calling me crazy?" Aria sneered. "I'm not as crazy as she is if you are."

"I can't believe-!" Tamasa stood briskly. "I'm going to check on the staff in the kitchen. I can't stand to listen to this slander. Would you like any sweets, Edward?"

"If it's of no bother to you."

"Oh, absolutely not!" Tamasa gave her husband and niece an evil eye. "I'm a very generous person, you know."

"Get me a biscuit too," Aria added. "And some chocolate."

"Get it yourself," Tamasa responded. "What am I? Your slave? Edward!" She pinned the soldier with a confused stare. "Everyone here thinks I'm their slave! I do all the work and they do nothing in return!"

"Tell that to the people who work here," Aria muttered.

"Such a selfish child!" Tamasa continued on her mindless rampage. "That's it. You both stay. I'm going to compose myself. Look how you made me act in front of a guest!" She stormed off, still shrieking and pouting and doing whatever she could to get attention. Aria watched her leave with a roll of her eyes, but Bhuv leaped to his feet and took off after his wife, knowing he'd be in for a long night if her anger didn't dissipate quickly. 


So...Aria doesn't seem too happy with Edward's arrival 😅what will happen next between our two lovers? 


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