31.1 Margot's History

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The tribe was easy to spot. They were a small group settled on a clear, green reservation at the edge of town not far from the main road. Aria had seen a few of them milling with the crowd but hadn't recognized them due to how similar they were to the townspeople. She guessed that, unlike Rouver, they didn't isolate their tribes from the other villagers, and she didn't mind that she was beginning to hate her town, because the moment she was able to, she'd pack everything and everyone that she loved and move to Grandville.

"I hate Rouver," she growled under her breath, stomping on the sidewalk while trying not to trip on the hem of her gown. "I hate it. I hate it. I hate it."

"Save that for our funerals," Kazuki grumbled, his hands shoved miserably in his pockets. "That shared sentiment doesn't need to be expressed overtly, Ari."

"Why?" Aria whirled on him, eyes blazing. "Kazuki, I don't think you realize the implications of this revelation."

"No, I don't. Enlighten me."

"We're murderers!" She yelled, thrusting her hands up toward the sky like she was grappling for God's forgiveness. "We've killed innocent people for nobody but that bitch! I don't know what the hell her goal is, but we've been doing her dirty work for her for ten years! Guys, Lord Garmond, Duke Gall - they could all be innocent!"

"Well, Garmond was doing some suspicious shit," Sterling murmured. "As was Gall..."

"Still, we thought we were working to save the country from Grandville, but really we were the villains the whole time!" Aria paced around in a circle, just around a mile away from the reservation. "There was no goddamn war! If anything, we would have started a war that would kill so many innocent people! Be it from Rouver or Grandville, the government would have blamed us. Madame wouldn't stick her ass out for our breaths. She'd run like the coward she is; having us to her shitty work day after day for fucking ten years!" She kicked a pile of rocks agitatedly. "She played with us...she took everything we had and used it against us...my identity...my family..."

Against the will of her aching knees, Aria crouched on the ground, her head between her hands as she let the actions of the past ten years of her life crumble above her. They mounted her body like a mountain and pushed her deeper into the ground of guilt.

"Aria, hey." Sterling took her by the arm and lifted her to her feet, managing her body against his side as she made no effort to hold herself upright. "Look, look at me." He grabbed her chin and forced her face to meet his. "I know we did some shitty stuff, and I know it may seem like the only thing we can do right now is give up and cry, but-!"

"Give up?!" Aria scoffed, but her eyes bleakly shifted around his face like she had no idea what to say next. "Give up? I'm not giving up! I'm reclaiming my autonomy! I've listened to Madame's bullshit for ten years - I've given up my identity and lost my family. She's not taking anything else from me...nothing else..."

"She won't, I know you won't let her." He glanced at Kazuki, aiming to get his support, but the man seemed to be reveling in his own mental breakdown. He would be of no help. "Aria, we're going to take Madame down before she claims any more lives. But to do so we have to know more about her. You don't want to make the same mistake again, do you?"

"I won't trust me." Aria pulled herself up and stepped out of Sterling's arms, offering him a plain smile; a smile that hid a nasty disposition and an even nastier plan. She had calmed with his words, realizing that she had to control her outbursts for fear she would be deemed mental. "I call dibs on taking her down."

"Damn. I wanted to do that," Kazuki said. "Whatever. I'm tired and I want to go home. Let's get this shit done already."

He started to walk but was stopped by a short figure standing in front of him. He yelped and jumped back into Sterling, who in turn fell to the ground, narrowly avoiding bringing Aria with him.

"Get. Off. Me." He snarled, pushing up and causing Kazuki to fall on his stomach.

"Are you okay?" The figure, who was revealed to be a young woman, offered her hand to the decimated boy, helping him rise. "Are you foreigners?"

"Well, sort of," Aria replied, answering for the two dumbstruck men behind her. "We're looking for some information about a woman you may know...Margot Dupont?"

"Margot?" The woman blinked. The name sounded new on her tongue. "I have no idea who this woman that you speak of is, but I'm sure the chief will know. Would you like to meet him?"

"If it's possible," Aria said, returning the woman's gentle smile. How can a woman so virtuous be so vile? They have truly amplified the lies they made about this country.

"Will he have time to meet us?" Kazkuki questioned anxiously.

"Oh, I'm sure he will!" The woman jovially replied. "The chief loves to have visitors, especially when it pertains to his dear Margot."

"Dear Margot?" Sterling repeated. "Does he know her intimately?"

"Of course!" She smiled again; a sinless, beautiful smile that held no blemish or ulterior motive. "She's his daughter, after all."


What did you guys think of this chapter? We've learned something interesting about Margot, but how will everyone else take it? Has their entire life been a lie? 


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