18.1 Edward Tells the Truth

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Corduroy Tavern was a place where many of the younger generations liked to frolic and socialize. It was by no means a place for respectable women who lounged in Aria's age group, but nevertheless, Edward was convinced that he was still a boyish youth. As compared to the other men that Aria knew (which was really only Sterling), Edward was no doubt younger, but the groups that enjoyed themselves at the bar were no comparison to the rugged soldier.

The interior was sparsely decorated save the multiple certificates promising sanitary conditions and a few animal heads. Above the bar was the large severed head of a bison, and below that were shelves and shelves of liquor. Placed around the bar in scattered rows were wooden chairs, barstools, and tables, each filled with brimming mugs and dim lights. The atmosphere was romantic in a tense way; like one should begin preparations for a long, sleepless night. Aria felt uneasy, but didn't allow it to show. She weaved through the crowd of people drinking, dancing, and stripping until she was at the bar. Edward was by her side in a moment, ordering drinks for them through his flirtatious exchange with the female bartender.

"It's only to get a cheaper price," he told her with a flush when she stared at him. He must have thought she was irritated, and she was, but not because he was showing attention to another woman. No, she was irritated because she hated bars - the loud, obnoxious people and the cramped, disgusting conditions. She didn't make her sentiments known, though, and instead calmly waited and nodded to Edward's incessant babbling.

"You look beautiful," he said when their drinks arrived. He cupped her cheek, toying with her earlobe. His fingers pressed against the prick of the earring and he tugged the loose skin there with teasing gentleness. "Everything you wear looks gorgeous on you, little pigeon."

"Thank you..." Aria tilted her head away from his rough, calloused palms. She took a tentative sip of the drink Edward had bought for her and covered her mouth to gag. The citric taste mixed with what she thought was medicine could have been enough to make her throw up right on his feet.

"You look a little distracted," Edward noted, an impish smile gracing his features. He leaned into her face so she could smell his beer-breath fanning against her lips. "I know how to help."

Before she could react, his mouth crashed onto hers, slamming her teeth. The salty taste of his lips combined with the alcohol made Aria's tongue recoil, but she had to admit, his mouth was soft. Not as soft as Sterling's, but soft enough that it could help Aria endure the kiss.

"You're an amazing kisser," he said once they broke apart (much to Aria's relief). "It's almost like you had practice."

She choked on her spit. "Uh, no, no I haven't," she refuted quickly. "I...er...I guess I'm just good at it?"

He laughed. "Yes, I guess you are. I know you haven't kissed anyone before."


Edward took another swig of his beer, swallowing with a relishing sigh. He paused, stared at the murky liquid, and spoke:

"How's Noah?"

"Fine." Aria blinked. His inquiry about her family was sudden and unexpected, but she answered in a composed manner regardless. "The wedding is coming. You will be at the ceremony, right?"

"Of course." He flashed her a wicked grin. "I'll be expecting a dance from you, Mademoiselle."

You can expect a punch too, is what Aria wanted to say, but she didn't. Instead, she smiled and said: "I can't wait for that!" I'll have to tell Sterling to come. I'll need someone to vent to later.

"Good." Edward went quiet again, gazing at his drink. Dressed in his uniform, Aria, whilst surveying the crowd, realized that the clothes he wore were similar to those of many men in the bar. The only difference was the color and the shrapnel pin he had placed over his breast. The same pin that was located on the clothes of many of the men...

Aria's jaw hardened. She had her suspicions, but now she had proven herself correct. The reason she had never heard of Corduroy Bar was so simple that she should have realized it earlier. This wasn't a Rouverian bar. It was a Grandville bar. All the men and women were Grandville deflectors, posing under the identity of a Rouverian citizen. The little pins and jewelry were deceiving, but Aria had seen the same pin on the video displaying Edward's betrayal. She had wandered into enemy territory unaware, and she cursed herself for neglecting to divulge more information about the place.

"Aria," Edward commanded her attention, and she gave it to him after a moment's hesitation. He was looking at her with his big, brutal glacial eyes that made her feel like the Titanic was steering right to its end. "There's something I need to tell you."

Aria put on her fakest, biggest innocent look; with big eyes and fluttery eyelashes, and a pout on her lips that still tasted like citric acid. Like a damsel, Aria. He likes that type of woman. "That is?"

Edward fiddled with his glass, then grabbed a shot cup from the tray in front of him and downed it in one gulp. He said in a low voice: "Can I trust you?"

Aria took his hands. "You know you can trust me. A good relationship needs a foundation of trust, and I...I trust and love you more than anyone."

A look of relief washed over his face. "Good. Well, you know how the government accused me of conspiring with the enemy?"


"I did." He waited for a dramatic gasp, or perhaps a look of horror to contort Aria's face so he could gather her in his arms and comfort her, but instead, she shrugged and sipped her drink.

"I can't blame you," she finally said. I knew anyway. "Grandville holds more potential than Rouver does, and the citizens live happier lives than here." If living happily was equivalent to living in a ditch.


So...this is Edward's big reveal! GaSp! Like Aria didn't already know haha. But what else will he say? 

Also, if you guys have any questions about the characters, potential sequels, etc, comment below!


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