23.1 Edward James Takes a Bow

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"You're ready for this?"

"No." Aria slung her backpack over her shoulder, fixing the collar of her shirt and the pointed tips of her earrings. "Afterwards, I'm going to have to take a long shower, but I'll be fine, I guess. I just want to get this over with."

"I can imagine." Sterling hoisted his sack and corrected the listening device stationed in his pocket. "If it helps, I can always fuck you after to get his stench off you."

"Maybe. It depends on how I'm feeling and if I'm sore or not."

"Oh, please." He scoffed. "This is Edward, for crying out loud! There's no way his dick can bring you so much pleasure that you'd be sore."

"And yours does?"

"I feel like we proved that last week, didn't we?"

"...Fine." Aria let her hair fall over her side profile. "Did you memorize the layout?"

"Hey, that's your job," Sterling teased. "But to answer your question, yes. I memorized the areas of escape and of where I'll be keeping watch." As much as I regret doing so.

"Good." Aria pulled out a rough sketch of the layout. "Yohan gave this to me yesterday. There are three exits in the bedroom. The window is the closest and there's a flower bed underneath. The servants have the day off so there won't be anyone else in the house. I specifically requested that to give you some leeway."

"Aren't you guys doing this at the Belvaire Hotel?"

"We were, but I changed my mind. It would be safer to do it at his house. I know it better than I know a hotel."

"Aww." Sterling pouts. "I wanted to see what renovations they had made at the Belvaire."

"If you do good on this mission, then maybe I'll consider bringing you there for dinner one day."

"Like a...date?" Sterling wiggled his eyebrows, inclining his head toward Aria.

She scowled and shoved his shoulder. Her heart skipped a couple of beats when their skin touched. "No. It would be for a friendly outing, but now you're making me reconsider."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop!" Laughing, he put his hands up in defense and let his gaze drift toward the horizon. The moon peeked from behind the thick gray clouds and pushed the sun down for another twelve hours. Their mission was almost ready to begin.

Aria went ahead of Sterling to cover for him. Her older partner hid in her shadow, keeping a safe distance from her so that one wouldn't mistake him for a stalker (even though, Aria argued, that was essentially what he was doing). The short walk to Edward's looming estate gave her a chance to reminisce about the last few days that she had endured. She was exhausted beyond comprehension and wanted nothing more than to drop on her bed and take a long nap. Her aunt had been overpreparing for Noah's impending visit and her uncle was of no help.

Her thawing heart was also another source of Aria's annoyance. Sleeping with Sterling had created a sex-crazed monster dancing in her stomach, often keeping her awake with salacious thoughts of having her partner in bed with her, his lips teasing her plush skin and his hands working their way down her body until she was screaming his name. Aria's mind would prickle every time she caught herself dreaming of such lewd thoughts. She didn't want to admit it, and she told herself that she would never admit it out loud, but it was hard to deny that Sterling was, in fact, quite attractive. His snow-kissed hair and intense glacial eyes could have weakened even the strongest of men. Aria was never going to bow to him, but it pleased her to know that his boyish charm could be converted into manly dominance.

She reached Edward's house whilst thinking about Sterling. They'd been partners for a decade and she was just now noticing his handsome physique. Edward was nothing compared to Sterling.

I need to find a way to pretend to be interested, Aria mused. Maybe I'll just pretend that I'm in heaven or something...or Candyland.

When she crossed through the grass and onto the pavement, she noticed the thickness of her shadow leave her and leap through the trees. Sterling's dark figure disappeared behind the rough columns that held Edward's house up, no doubt climbing to his position. Aria's heart increased just a little with every step she took toward the door. By the time she was knocking on the hard, polished wood, she wasn't even sure if she was breathing. Anticipation, dread, and misery all coiled in her stomach like a snake ready to pounce. If she had the opportunity to run, she would have, but Edward flung the door open before she had the chance.

"Aria!" He jumped on her, kissing her roughly. His lips were salty and his hands were wet. "I'm so glad you're here! I thought you weren't going to come!"

"Well...I'm here!" Aria pulled away from his kiss quicker than an alligator snapping its jaw shut. "And I'm just as excited as you are!"

"I know! I've been preparing like mad!" Edward took her hand and led her into his home. He didn't give her a moment to admire the many sculptures and portraits that he had decorating the interior, and instead, he whisked her up the steps and into his room.

Edward's bedroom was just as Aria had last seen it. She was pleased that her planning hadn't gone to waste. His bed was up against the left wall beside the bathroom door. Clothes were flung on the ground by the closet, no doubt partly Sterling's doing. He was hiding in Edward's closet of antiques, a place that the man hardly went into. Aria could see the dark outline of his shoes from the small crack at the bottom of the door, but to a regular man like Edward, the man hiding in his closet was the least of his worries.

"When we marry, our home in Grandville will be much more beautiful than this," he proclaimed, leading her through the maze of dirty laundry. "I apologize for the mess. My maids have been out sick for a week."

"And...you don't know how to do laundry?"

"Goodness me! Of course, not!' Edward seemed genuinely horrified that Aria would even suggest such a task. "That is not for a man or woman of our social class, my dear!"

My dear? Aria cringed. He sounds like my uncle...no, Aria no. Don't think that, or you definitely won't be able to sleep with him.

"It is a nice place." She feigned interest. "Our home in Grandville...it will be better protected, right?"

"Of course! We'll have the militia patrolling our home. I swear, my dear, the guards in Rouver are too lax for my tastes!"

"They are." Aria innocently drifted toward him, resisting the crinkle of her nose when she smelled his overly perfumed jacket. "But aren't they supposed to be guarding the government building?"

"They do. But...not all the time." Edward winked at her. "Don't tell my boss I told you that, though."


Ooh...it's finally happening...the big reveal! What will go down in this chapter? Will Aria do the deed? 


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