14.1 A Date with an Assassin

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The date was set for the next month when the weather would turn hot and long gowns would be exchanged for airy dresses and skirts. The Thursday they had agreed on going out was a particularly auspicious one, as it was the day that Aria had successfully managed to complete an assignment on her own. Being the brains of the Gemini Killers, Aria was less involved in the murder part of their job than Sterling was, but when a fever took him out it was up to her to quell the rebel group before they could cause mayhem. She thought about that mission only in brief spurts, whenever she had nothing else to do or when she wanted to feel proud of herself. It reminded her of her current predicament. Her body was vibrating with an amalgamation of fear, anxiety, and excitement. She was used to doing quick jobs, but the waiting game that she had to play was becoming tiring.

She stood in front of her mirror, fixing the light robe she had chosen to wear with a sigh every now and then. Sterling, who had snuck in beforehand, was leaning against the window with a dark beer bottle in between his lithe fingers. The soft wind breezed through his hair like a comb and created the image of a younger, happier boy when his head tipped backward to drink.

"Are you worried?" Sterling broke the silence.

"Not at all." Aria tied the bow around her waist, allowing the loose ends to drop against her thigh. "Should I be worried?"

"It's a date. It's nothing to be worried about." Sterling's lip kicked up in a grin that suggested something inappropriate. "Unless you plan on completing this mission in one day."

"Madame said to take our time," Aria calmly rebuffed him. "I'm going to find out what I can without sounding suspicious. If I rush myself, Edward will know."

"Will he?"

"Without a doubt, he will. He's intelligent, Sterling. It's a wonder why he didn't join the church as he had planned to."

"Life always ruins our plans. Maybe it wasn't up to him to decide?" Sterling jumped from the window ledge and seated himself on Aria's bed. "Do you have any idea what you're going to ask him?"

"I'm thinking of keeping the conversation light today. Perhaps I'll mention his old friends?"

"What do they have to do with this spy scheme?"

"They moved to Grandville several years ago and were always adamant about joining the government or military. I know Edward still has connections to them. It wouldn't hurt to prod a little."

"He probably won't get suspicious either, since you're one of his closest friends."

"Hopefully he won't. He was in the military and a high-state prison. He doesn't look like he changed, but I can't be sure."

"Fine." Sterling noticed her struggling to tie the ropes of her dress. "Do you need help?"

"A little. Do you know how to tie a bow?"

"Of course." He got up and walked so that he was behind her. Taking the two thin strings from her hands, he bent so his nose just barely touched her neck and began to loop the strings around each other. The proximity between them was nothing new to Aria, and neither was Sterling's touch, yet she felt something bursting along her skin. It wasn't a numbing sensation either. It was like someone had set up miniature bombs on her neck and was lighting them one by one. When Sterling's hand faltered and brushed her hip, she felt her breath hitch.

What's happening? Aria studied her hands in concern. Am I becoming ill? Perhaps Sterling is making me sick again; his viruses are always the contagious kind.

"There." His voice was unbearably soft, so soft that Aria almost didn't hear him until he stepped away to view the finished product. Through his reflection, she could see him study her backside like an artist gazing proudly at his completed masterpiece.

"I hope it looks like a bow." Aria twisted her side to try and see Sterling's work. "You didn't mess it up, did you?"

"I'm offended that you would even think so," Sterling scoffed. "The bow is perfectly fine. Now, forget about that and tell me if you have all your supplies ready."

"Nearly." Aria grabbed her purse and took out a small pair of earrings. The diamond-studded jewels that Yasmine had made for her hid a secret microphone that Aria could listen and speak to. "Did you activate your watch to sync with these yet?"

"Yes. Yasmine said that the battery only lasts an hour, though, so we have to make this date quick and gather as much information as we possibly can. Everything that he says will be recorded on my watch, and I'll send the data to you later for you to transcribe it into code." Sterling glanced at the clock above Aria's nightstand. "I'm going to head out and stake the area. Meet you by the river in five?"

"Yeah. Edward should be coming soon." Aria nodded. "Let's hope for the best on this day."

"I don't doubt it." Sterling smiled. "Think of this as another mission; that can help."

"If I think of it as another mission, I would put my gun to Edward's head and threaten him to speak. I have to see him as my friend."

"Isn't he your friend?"

"I...I'm not sure." Aria pursed her lips. "He seems different since I last saw him, and if what Madame is saying is true about Edward being a spy..."

"It's conflicting to think about, isn't it?"

"It is..."

"Hey, just do your best." He put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I've seen the guy before. He may be intelligent, but he's as dumb as a rock when it comes to street life. I don't think he'd be able to tell the difference between flirting and information gathering."

"He was in the military, Sterling. They train for these types of conversations."

"He was also in prison for ten years. His brain could be mush by now."

"Possibly, but I guess we're going to have to wait until later to find out."


So...it's the day of the date! What will happen? What do you guys think Edward will tell Aria?


Bound by DeceptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora