6.2 A Lost Memory

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"You would assume correctly," Sterling replied. He bent and kissed Tamasa's hand. "It's an honor to meet you, my lady."

Aria clamped her hand over her mouth, smothering her laughter with her palm as her aunt periodically grew red. Sterling had activated his charm and sex appeal. Even the likes of her aunt - a respectful, fiercely rule-abiding woman - couldn't avoid the whirlwind of sexual attraction that was Sterling Drazek.

"Y-You as well..." Tamasa snatched her hand and rubbed the top of it. "Er...you are my niece's...?"

"Friend," Sterling supplied. He glanced at Aria, sincerity shining in his icy orbs. "But hoping to be more."

He should have become an actor, Aria mused. "Yeah. Uh...Sterling tends to stay away from balls and stuff, but he was looking to widen his social circle and I suggested he come with me...you know what it's like, right Auntie?"

"I do..." Tamasa studied the proximity between Aria and Sterling with narrowed eyes. She was still uncertain of their story, but she had no reason to doubt Aria, and when she noticed that her husband and son had slipped away from her, her attention was diverted elsewhere. "You two enjoy yourselves. I'm going to tie your uncle and cousin on a leash." She gracefully swept away, and the moment she disappeared into the crowd, Aria released the breath she didn't know she'd been holding.

Sterling rubbed her back, still holding her as her knees shook. "You were nervous, huh?"

"A little." She swallowed. "Lying to people I don't know is easy. But to my aunt? She's known me since I was three!"

"You did good." He smiled. "Come on. I'll ask the orchestra to play a song. I have no doubt that Duke 'Can't Keep It In His Pants' over there will ask a girl to dance."

"Once we get close to him, we can inject the serum," Aria added. Then, skeptically, she added: "You do still have the serum, right? You didn't waste it on the spies?"

"Waste?" Sterling scoffed. "My lady, I never waste anything!" He paused. "To be honest, I'm glad our target is a guy this time."


"I don't have to seduce him," Sterling sneered. "Madame loves using my dick as a weapon."

"I thought you loved it too?"

"Since when? I hate it."

"Then why don't you say something?"

"It's my job, Ari." He ruffled her hair. "Besides, they finish quickly. Plus, I'm tired today. I don't think I'd be able to put on a good performance if I had to."

"Tired?" Aria handed him a pastry. "What did you do to make you so tired?"

"Shopping for this stupid outfit," Sterling gestured to his clothes. "It's not my style, but whatever. Stay here. I'm going to queue the orchestra."

He jogged across the room and had a quick conversation with the band. They listened to his words and nodded every now and then. When he returned, the lights dimmed and a romantic atmosphere cradled the room. Couples met each other on the dancefloor and the musicians began to sway to the sound that they created. The notes of their children floated in the air and giggled amongst the guests. Like sirens, they brought a sense of comfort and fantasy to the dancers.

It was difficult for Aria not to get swept up in the song. One would think that she'd be a hardened assassin; one who could withstand the melody of a mere classical tune. But Aria was still human. She buried her feelings, but she didn't bury the hatchet.

Sterling swept her into the dance. A man with a history of classical knowledge, he held his partner up as they matched the beat of the music. They stayed around the edges, as Duke Gall parried with the shy young ladies that loitered there.

Do you have it ready? Aria tapped.

Sterling nodded. It's in my sleeve. Do you think we can get closer to the back?

They pressed against each other, their faces inches away (or they would have been, had Sterling not towered over Aria) and shimmied to the back row. Nobody bothered to pay attention to them, so when Aria pretended to trip and sent Sterling careening into Duke Gall's back, it was noticeable to no one except the disgruntled ladies who were vying for Gall's attention.

"Sorry about that," Sterling staggered on the ground. "It seems my footing failed me."

"Oh, it was my mistake," Aria gracefully added, offering her hand to Gall once she noticed Sterling pull his sleeve down. "Are you alright?"

Yasmine had told them that the impact of the serum would take effect almost immediately, which seemed to be the case for Gall. His skin paled and he lurched forward.

"I-I'm fine," he mumbled, too nauseated to be haughty.

"Come. Let's get you some fresh air," Sterling suggested, taking Gall's arm before he could protest. Aria lingered behind, flashing an apologetic smile at the girls.

"My partner can be quite clumsy at times," she muttered.

"It's obvious," one of the girls sniffed. "Hey, your partner looks familiar."

"Yes." Another one chimed in. "He reminds me of a Duke my father once knew...God, what's his name?"

"Ah, yes, well...looks can be deceiving," Aria said. She smiled again and skipped outside once the girls were distracted, muttering amongst themselves. She found Sterling by a group of flowerless pots, staring at a dark silhouette on the ground. In his hands were several sheets of crumpled paper and folded photos.

"Trafficking," he said when Aria touched his arm. "It seems our Duke here got wrapped up in some cartel business. They work for the other country and have been taking girls from our side who wander too close to the border."

"His file said it was a minor drug issue."

"Evidently not." Sterling put the papers in his pocket. "Gall's dead. I'm waiting for Kazuki to come and collect him."

"What will they put on the news?"

"Overdose. A simple, stupid human error. Gall was known for his love of drugs anyway." Sterling kicked the dead man's leg lazily. "He had some pricey stuff on him. Nice chains. Do you think Madame will like them?"

"She'll like the money that comes from them," Aria snorted. "I'm gonna go give an alibi to my aunt and come back."

"Sure. Kazuki should be here by then."

Leaving Sterling alone in the backyard, Aria blended into the crowd, pushing through the groups of socialites to find her aunt. She saw the elegant lady speaking to Lady Maryland. Beside her aunt was Noah, and beside Lady Maryland was her daughter, Eloise Maryland. A faint smile graced Aria's lips. She knew that Noah and Eloise had always been close. No doubt they had duped their mothers into "forcing" an arranged marriage on them.

She was so consumed with watching their exchange from a distance that she didn't notice the group behind her move. A body bumped into Aria and she fumbled. She would have splayed on the floor had a strong arm not wrapped around her shoulder. The touch was faintly familiar and sturdy.

"Ster-!" Aria began to say, thinking of how to thank and scold her partner at the same time, when a flash of grassy orbs caught her gaze. Startled, she tried to compose herself in order to get a good look at her savior, but by the time she was on her feet and tidy, she could only catch a glimpse of the gentleman as he disappeared into the crowd. She saw some of him, though. A red coat and dark cherry hair that framed his face in rivulets. A strong jaw and equally strong body, with a touch of softness that made him just as good for cuddling. Aria knew why she recognized those arms. She had felt them long ago...distantly, she remembered their warmth. But there was no way it could be him. He was dead...he died a long time ago...

Didn't he?



So...who's this mystery man? Who's Kazuki? How will this new revelation impact Aria's mission? And why was Sterling familiar to those women? 


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