34.2 Aria Takes a Stand

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"Hey. I know how to get a gun away from someone, okay? That's literally been my job for ten years..." Her tone turned bitter. "Ten fucking years of my life, wasted."

"We can always rebuild," Sterling said assuringly, rubbing her arm. "I don't think I want to go back to being an assassin, but I guess now we can start a new part of our life, right?"

"I suppose so." Aria craned her neck up to kiss his neck. "My aunt's probably going to start nagging me about getting married. No doubt she wants grandkids before she dies."

Sterling chuckled. "I think, once you're healed, we can work on the grandkids part, huh?"

"If we're still unmarried then I think she'll have a double-heart attack."

"Oh, well you can't change that old-timer mindset." Sterling hummed thoughtfully. "Hey, how about we get married?"

"What?" Aria blinked. "Are you insane?"

"No, I'm perfectly sane. My mother had me checked," Sterling said with a grin. He turned and took Aria's hands. "Think about it! Your aunt will stop nagging you, and we'll get to stay close to each other!"

"I like the first part, but I'll go insane if I see you every day."

"My lady! You wound me."

"I've done that before." Aria smiled impishly but was unable to control the goofy grin that was beginning to take over her face. "I'm kidding, but are you serious?"

"I've never lied to you before," Sterling said, his tone dropping. He squeezed her hands and leaned toward her, his voice lowering. "I know it's probably not what you were expecting...definitely not in a hospital waiting room but...I love you. I'm hopelessly and utterly in love with you, and I want to wake up every day with you beside me. I don't want anybody else but you...I need you, and I'll do my best to make you as happy as possible for the rest of our lives so...will you marry me?"

"Is that even something you should be asking?" Aria's lips broke into a wide smile and she looped her arms around Sterling's shoulders, bringing him in for a kiss. "You've been stuck with me ever since you agreed to be my partner."

"Perhaps platonically. But I still need your approval." He smirked, enjoying playing the long game with her.

"Ugh, fine!" Aria made a big show of rolling her eyes. "I guess I'll marry you."

"You guess?! Oh, my poor heart!" Sterling clutched his chest, mimicking her aunt. "Oh, my dear nerves! How shall I ever survive knowing that my beloved wife decided to settle!"

"You'll survive." Aria kissed his cheek. "We have to tell Kazuki - he'll be so thrilled! And my aunt, of course. Although..." she laughed. "I think I'm marrying the male version of my aunt."

"If you mean to imply that I'm dramatic, then you'd be correct," Sterling teased. "Come. Let's go see how Kazuki's doing. Maybe he won't be as opposed to marrying me."

Aria arched a competitive eyebrow. "Oh, the wedding would be beautiful, I'm sure. I can't say if his wife would approve, though."

"Oh, drats. I forgot about that." Sterling stood and helped her up, kissing her head. "Oh, well. I guess you'll do."

"Poor you." Aria couldn't stop smiling, and before Sterling could open Kazuki's door, she pulled him for another kiss, this one more passionate than before.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," she murmured against his mouth, their lips a breath away. "My best friend. My partner. My Sterling."

"And I, you, my love," Sterling planted his lips gently on hers. "My little fireball who ignites the passion in my heart every day. I love you more than the sun loves the stars."

"Charmer." Aria flicked his nose. "But isn't the sun a star?"

"You get the point." He blushed. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Looks like Aria and Sterling's banter will have to end here, but we still have the Epilogue! What will happen there? I'll probably post the Epilogue when I return, but who knows? I can't wait to see what you thought of this story and if you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 


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