20.2 The Coitus Compromise

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"I did," Aria admitted. "I suppose I still do...but I don't care anymore."

"Then go to that person! Find them! Don't give into Edward's manipulation," Sterling exclaimed, encouraging her with his wild, pleading eyes. "Whoever that man is, he's the luckiest man in the world to be with you, and you better remind yourself that every day."

She chuckled. "What if I say that the lucky man is standing right in front of me?"

"He is?" Sterling blinked. "Wait...do you mean...?"

Suddenly feeling bashful, she nodded, avoiding his general direction. "Before Edward...before any of that, I want it to be memorable so that even if something happens, I'll always know what my first time was like...and who better to have my first with than the infamous Gemini Killer, Sterling Drazek?" She winked, feeling a bit more confident. "So, what do you think?"

"W-What do I think?" Sterling ran his hand through his wind-swept snowy locks. "I-I think...yes!"


They decided on the next day, a Saturday when Aria's family would be going to a socialite gathering and Sterling would finally have a day off from Madame's constant stream of jobs. The nerves that jumped in both of them were insatiable and brimming with excitement that would be released only in Sterling's bedroom. Both had some doubts about the arrangement, particularly Sterling, who disliked the idea that Aria would be sleeping with him and then Edward immediately after, but Aria assured him that it was all for the mission. She couldn't deny not being nervous, even if she hated the feeling of being a walking ball of tangled rubber bands. She wasn't quite sure how to feel, or what to expect, so she was glad that Sterling was more experienced than she was with the topic.

It was also agreed that they would be completing the course at Sterling's home, which was bigger, emptier, and didn't have any known cameras. Aria had been in Sterling's bedroom a couple of times, but never intimately. It also didn't help that she had no one to talk about sex with. That is, any females.

She'd tried it when she had gotten home from practice with her aunt, but Tamasa treated the topic of sex like Aria was saying a forbidden word. With animalistic eyes, she quickly shushed her niece and spent the rest of the night scolding her for even inquiring about such an act that was to be completed only between married couples (there was a heavy emphasis on the married).

So, she was clueless, left with only brief images of Noah's teenage magazines from whenever he would spend days on end in his room. She was so nervous that she'd gotten to Sterling's house before Sterling himself was home and had to sit alone with his housemaid, Nela, while waiting for him.

The older lady immediately understood that something was off with Aria when she saw the young girl fidgeting with the frayed edges of her clothes and mostly ignoring her tea. Aria was never one to fiddle or disregard a perfectly good cup of tea, and Nela had to admit, she was more curious than offended.

She finished sweeping the dust from the china cabinets and sat across from Aria, garnering the girl's attention. Giving her best, welcoming smile, she said:

"You seem paler than usual, Miss. Aria. Is everything alright?"

Aria was pent up with so many questions and an overwhelming pile of doubt that she didn't think twice before answering Nela's question.

"Sterling and I are going to have sex and I'm scared!" She blurted, subsequently turning a dark shade of red. It matched the hue that fluttered gracefully over Nela's cheeks, but the maid didn't squeak, lest she scare the girl from saying anything else.

"I see," she responded instead. "And how are you feeling about that? Are you nervous?"

"Unfortunately, I am a little," Aria replied. "I'm not one to be open to express my feelings, but this is one topic that I am not well versed in. Usually, I know what I'm going into, but today...I'm utterly helpless, Nela. I haven't a clue what's going to happen."

"Did you ask your aunt?"

"She was of no help." Aria scowled. "I tried doing my own research, but I think I ended up scaring myself more than comforting myself."

"You were probably reading the scientific explanation," Nela said. "If you'd like, can I help ease your worries?"

"If you don't mind speaking of such taboo subjects to a stranger..."

"Nonsense!" Nela waved a dismissive hand. "You're just as much family as Sterling is! I don't mind at all. We women have to look out for each other anyway." She poured herself a cup of tea and reclined on the couch. "So, what exactly is it about sex that you're unsure of?"

"The pain, mostly." Aria gingerly sipped her drink. "I'm used to incredible pain, but I've never been pleasured with pain. It's not something I fathom. How can something that hurts be painful? And will I be able to take that pain?"

"I'm sure you will. It's not easy the first time around, but it gets better the more times you do it. The pain is only momentary, and immediately after you feel pure bliss. I promise it won't be as bad as you're expecting it to be."

"I see." Aria felt relieved. She could feel her mind piecing itself back into its articulated, systematic self, no longer muddled like an unopened box of puzzle pieces. She took a long drink from her teacup. "That helps. I don't like for others to feel my pain. If they have to, I try to know as much as possible to keep the job moving. But this...this is unlike any job I've ever done before. I mean, I'm an assassin, for God's sake!" She threw her back on the pillow. "I should be out with Sterling, killing horrible people and getting my workout! Not seducing some Benedict Arnold!"

Nela smiled wryly. "We all must play our part, Miss, however little it may be."

"I suppose so." Aria hesitated, frowning. "Do you hear that?"

"The scraping on the windows?" Nela shrugged. "It's that dead tree outside. I keep telling Hudson to cut it down but he never does."

"It sure makes for an ominous mood," Aria noted. "How does Sterling live like this? It's like he's a homeless man!"

"The Master has his ways of living. He's a simplistic man. After... everything with his parents, he's lived like this. It may be an old, shabby house that's breaking apart, but he somehow manages to keep it in habitable condition. I think..." Nela paused. "I think the house holds sentimental value to Sterling. He may not admit it, but he has a connection with this place. It's...I'm not sure I can describe it."

"That's okay." The entrance door creaked open. "Thank you again for your time. I...I suppose I'll be seeing you soon?"

"Perhaps in the morning." Nela smiled, and with her help, Aria stood just as Sterling entered the living room, a small cloth bag in his hands. He looked between Nela and Aria.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting your tea party, ladies," he said with a teasing bow.

"Oh, not at all," Aria responded, smirking. "We were just waiting for you. I should've known you'd be late, though. You're never on time."

"I was busy," Sterling chuckled. "Oh, Nela, he's the sour fruit you asked me to buy. Did you know that Hudson finally cut that branch down?"


So...what do you think of Nela's advice? Do you think she was shy about giving this information to Aria? How does she view our assassin? 


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