22.2 Aria Makes a Decision

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"Oh. Nevertheless, I don't think the accident has deterred any of Aria's prospects. If anything, it's proven to us who will look after our niece in the worst of situations." Bhuv paused. "Do you remember that boy she went to Duke Gall's ball with? What was his name?"

"Duke...Sterling, I believe," Tamasa replied. "Drazek. He comes from a minor family from a different country."

"Aria told you this?"


"Hm." He rubbed his chin contemplatively. "Drazek...I've heard of that name before. It's somewhere in the back of my head, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I've heard of it."

"Oh, drop it. It's probably not important," Tamasa sighed. She looked at the stairs again. "Where is that girl?! Breakfast is getting cold!"

"She may be out already," Bhuv mentioned. "Which reminds me to make sure she knows how to protect herself."

"What do you mean?"

"Here." He turned the magazine for her to see. On the page he was reading was an article about the recent murder of a rising Senator. "Another victim of the Gemini Killers. Well, that man was doomed to die, what with his sickly health and all. I didn't know he was a threat, though..."

"Those Gemini Killers are bad news," Tamasa scowled. "They think that claiming lives is the easiest way to get money. They have no regret, Bhuv. They don't have any feelings. Good. Tell Aria to be careful. I wouldn't want her to have such a pitiful death; dying at the hands of these cowards."

"Cowards?" A sarcastic laugh drifted into the dining room, and moments later, Aria appeared in the doorway. She was dressed in a long, plain white gown with her hair spilling over her shoulders like new ink. "Auntie, assassins are no cowards. If they were, they'd never get their jobs done."

"She has a point," Bhuv murmured.

Tamasa sucked her teeth. "Oh, listen to her, you fool!" She stood and hassled her niece, dragging her to the chair. "Sit, you filthy girl! Where have you been? Look how muddy your dress is!"

"Auntie!" Aria whined, shaking her body so that Tamasa wouldn't be able to fix her hair or clothes. "I'm fine! I'll go take a shower after breakfast!"

"You'd better!" The older woman huffed. "Now, where were you, child? Your uncle and I have been waiting for you."

"I was out doing a quick errand for my boss," Aria explained. "What's this talk I hear about the Gemini Killers?"

"They seem to be picking up their act as of recently," Bhuv said. "All of these youngsters are being killed by them and whatever group they work for. A surge in assassins has been on the rise, and I don't want you getting trapped in the mix, Aria. If you go out, please take something to protect yourself with."

"I will, Uncle." Aria bit into a croissant. "Gemini Killers, huh? That's interesting. What with all the tensions between us and Grandville."

"Please tell me you don't pay attention to that nonsense!" Tamasa gasped. "This is why you don't focus on your marriage, Aria! You're getting carried away with all of this war talk. Enough of it!"

Aria's eyebrow rose quizzically. "What's with her?" She regarded her uncle.

He shrugged. "She's had her coffee already. You should have come earlier."

"Damn. I thought I would make it back in time."

"Evidently, you did not. Now, suffer."

"I'm so glad my children didn't grow up to be disgraces!" Tamasa exclaimed all of a sudden. She hugged Aria, pressing her squished cheek into her chest. "Oh, my little girl! You're the pride of our family, Aria, and don't you ever forget it. Never, ever, disgrace us - do you understand?"

Aria swallowed thickly, her stomach becoming numbly cold. "Yes, Auntie," she whispered, unable to face the woman because she knew that she'd break down should she meet the glowing eyes of her aunt.

"That's my good girl." Tamasa beamed, sitting down again. "Now, you and your uncle had better start preparing for Noah and Eloise's arrival. They'll be visiting us around next week or so."

"Why? Is he bored of her already?" Aria pushed her food around her plate.

"Manners, young lady!" Tamasa snapped. "They're coming for a family visit since their honeymoon has finished. Bhuv," she pinned her husband with a sharp glare. "Will be introducing Noah into the family business, and you and I will be helping Eloise transition into the family. I expect you to greet them, especially Eloise, with nothing but acceptance."

"When have I ever done the opposite, Auntie?" Aria grinned humorlessly, her stomach relentlessly churning. "Don't worry. Uncle and I will make sure that Noah and Eloise assimilate back into human society."

"Charming," Tamasa growled. "Keep up that attitude, Aria, and maybe I'll be feeding you to one of the Gemini Killers."

Aria laughed again, another gutless, humorless laugh. Oh, Auntie, I'd like to see you try.


With breakfast over, Aria retreated to her bedroom. She jumped into the shower before anyone could barge into her bedroom, needing some quiet time to think. Naked under the hot water, she traced the multiple love bites that Sterling had left on her skin, feeling as though he were behind her as she touched herself, delving lower and lower until she felt the last gentle bite in her inner thigh. She sighed. She never realized how complicated feelings were, especially when they pertained to her work partner. She didn't know what she felt for Sterling - why her heart would accelerate when he was around; why her palms would become sweaty and her legs would wobble.

Probably the repercussions of my accident years ago, she reasoned. I must be overworking my knees. Yeah, that's it.

She got out of the shower while wiping her drenched hair. Looking out the window by her bed, she noticed a group of young maids frolicking in the garden, playing with each other as they completed their chores. Aria was tempted to join them, but decided against doing so, knowing that her aunt would disapprove, and she'd already had enough disapproval for the day. She resented the day that her family discovered her job, and she'd done everything in her power to keep it a secret, but now, to her dismay, the tight ball that she'd wrapped up was slowly being unrolled.

Agitatedly tapping her foot, Aria nibbled thoughtfully on her bottom lip. Her heart was accelerating at an uncontrollable pace and she closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm the erratic rhythm. Noah's impending arrival added another pound to her shoulders, and when she opened her eyes, she knew - realized - that Margot was right. She needed to start acting fast. And soon, before Grandville played its next card. 


Aria seems to be conflicted about her mission. Are emotions coming out? How will she handle them? Please do let me know what you think so far of the story and if it's to your liking! I particularly enjoy Aria and Sterling's story!


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