15.3 Never Trust a Soldier

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"Yes, but the groups attacked us first-!" Edward stopped speaking all of a sudden. In his face was thrust a single photograph. A blurry, black-and-white picture of a young girl who didn't look much older than three. She stood in the middle of a circle of piles of potatoes - at least, that's what it looked like, but upon further inspection, Aria realized, with horror settling like sticky blood in her gut, that they weren't potatoes - they were people.

"That is...that is our uniform..." the camera panned down to Edward's bottom half. Fear struck his voice like lightning, rendering it hoarse. "We...we..."

"You did it," the man confirmed, laughing humorlessly. Bitterness wrapped like a snake around his tongue and penetrated Edward ruthlessly. "You killed them all, and that little girl? What did she have left? Who was going to take care of her? I'll answer that question for you - nobody."

"Holy shit..." Sterling whispered. "I can't believe it..."

"It's a nightmare," Aria agreed, her stomach cold with disbelief.

"It's almost done," Kazuki assured them gently.

"Now, do you see why your country is a fucking terror?" The man continued to say. "We're trying to protect people. They're trying to kill everyone. Every single one of them is a fucking monster. You saw what they did to your church. We didn't do that. We want peace. They want war, so let them bring it. Bring war. We'll kick their asses." The man moved close to Edward again. "Do you want to be with them? Do you want to make more kids like this little girl?"

"No...No!" Edward's voice broke. "No, I don't want that...I don't!"

No, Edward. Aria internally pleaded. Please, don't do this. There has to be some mistake. We couldn't have done that...we couldn't...they're lying to you!

"Then? Make your decision now, boy!" The man gruffly ordered. "I don't have all day!"

And then, Aria heard the words that she had been dreading to hear the entire time that Kazuki had been playing the recording. Her heart officially shattered and she could feel nothing but the numbing disbelief that rocked her to her core.

Edward looked up, was silent for a moment, then said: "What do you want me to do?"


"I can't believe it." Aria, with frazzled hair and dark eyes, sat in the cafeteria again with Kazuki and Sterling, both of who were silent and hardly touching their food. "Madame was right. Edward is a spy."

"Well, we don't know that for sure," Kazuki said, trying to be positive. "We think he's a spy. If we can get some details of any operations that Grandville is planning, then we'll know for sure. But until then, he's innocent until proven guilty. That's why our job is to prove him guilty."

"The tapes were proof enough," Aria muttered. "He agreed to work with the Grandvillians. What more evidence do you need?"

"We need to know everything that he knows and get rid of him," Sterling said sternly. "He's a liability to the country. The information he knows could cost lives."

"What lives?" Aria scoffed. "We killed those people, Sterling. Maybe that man is right. Maybe we are the bad guys."

Kazuki frowned. "No country is perfect, Aria. What that man showed Edward doesn't prove that the land belongs to Grandville. True, it's an atrocious part of our past, but Grandville is just as bad. We're trying to reform our ways. They aren't. We have to remember that. Edward is working with them, either as a spy or an informant - we don't know. Right now, a spy seems like the most realistic option." He took Aria's hands and begged her to meet his gaze, which oozed with sincerity. "Aria, you know where your loyalties lie. This mission must end with Edward's death. Think of your family - you remember what happened to your parents."

"Hey, Kazuki!" Sterling snarled. "Don't bring that up!"

"It's the truth!" Kazuki defended himself. "I'm not saying it to be mean!"

"Yeah, but still-!"

"Sterling!" Aria interrupted the squabbling voice with such a commanding, strong voice that both boys were silenced immediately. With bloodshot eyes, she faced Sterling, her lips set in a grim line that was hardened with sadness and pity. "Enough. Kazuki is right. Madame is right. I see I misjudged my friend's loyalty." Sterling started to speak, but Aria shut him down. "No. I don't want your pity," she whispered. "This is going to end with me. Edward was my friend. He dies at my hands."

And then, briefly, she remembered something that her mother had told her long ago. She was reminded of the sweet, melodic voice that would giggle with her on the grass, hold her close, and whisper little secrets in her ear. The influx of memories, although brief, brought Aria back to a certain warning her mother had given her as a little girl.

Your heart is the most valuable thing you own. Never give it away. Never allow yourself to settle. And never, ever, trust a soldier. 


So...what do you guys think? What did Edward realize? What about Aria? What has she decided to do now? 


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