14.2 A Date with an Assassin

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Edward was late to pick her up, just as Aria had expected. The boy came ten minutes after the decided time, puffing for air and apologizing at the same time - though he was so fatigued that Aria couldn't make out anything that he was saying and just nodded with him. She was alone at home, just as she had hoped. She had no doubt her aunt would begin sobbing if she saw her reclusive niece finally going out with a suitor. Well, a suitor for death, really.

They left quarter to eight in Edward's carriage. A velvet-colored chaise with four horses and a driver that looked quite dapper in his fresh clothes - Aria was surprised to see how quickly Edward had regained his wealth and status. She made no comment of it, though, and allowed herself to settle into a comfortable silence with Edward during the ride. He would often open his mouth and begin to say something, but then he would close it and look away, his white cheeks flushed.

Aria couldn't help but find his cowardice amusing. From the time he was little, Edward was a shy boy. It was a miracle he survived in the army, much less joined it in the first place. He was a spoiled little child who got everything in his hands and had never worked a day in his life, but he wasn't a brat about it. At least, not for long.

It doesn't add up, Aria thought, studying the darkening scenery with a critical eye. Edward a spy? The man has no guts to him! He could be afraid of his own shadow had it not been attached to him since birth.

She had noticed, though, with little perplexion, that Edward wasn't as shy as he used to be. Sure, he was still a coward, but when it came to her, he seemed bolder than before. He still stammered and floundered like a child, but the confidence he grew to even ask her out was immeasurable. Aria began to wonder if tricking him would be harder than she thought.

They eventually made it to the riverside, where they agreed on having a picnic date to catch up. As Edward set the blanket up, Aria surveyed the area. It was barren save the few trees that littered the ground. She immediately noticed the dark figure of Sterling, hiding behind one of the larger oak trees with a notepad. He created the image of a university student, even though he was quite older than one, and occasionally touched the old briefcase beside him. Start he was saying silently.

Aria cleared her throat. "So, how's it been getting back to life in Bishops?"

"Fine. I got my pardon and was accepted back into the military."

"You rejoined?"

"The pay is good and there's not a big chance that we will go to war again." Edward shrugged. "I was thinking of going to work in the church, but I decided not to."

"Why not?"

"Lack of faith." Again, he shrugged and patted the seat beside him with a grin. "Come, sit down."

Aria nodded, slowly lowering herself to the ground. "Because of your time in prison?"

"Sort of. If God were real, he would have protected me. He knows that I'm innocent. I did nothing wrong." Edward took a fruit and handed it to her. "But that's in the past. Grandville is a nightmare I don't want to relive again."

"I see..." Aria pursed her lips. How do I convince him to continue?

Bring it up gradually, Sterling responded through their comms. For now, let it drop. Wait until he's not as tense.

"If you don't mind me asking." Edward took a bite of the pie he'd brought. "What happened to...er...you?"

"Me?" Aria frowned. "Nothing happened to me."

"I mean your legs."

"Oh." Aria licked her lips of apple juice and sighed. "I was in an accident. It wasn't a big deal. I shattered my knees and got screws in them. It didn't change a lot. I just take longer to walk or sit."

"Ah, I'm so sorry." Edward's expression darkened. "Was it a plot from Grandville?"

"I don't think so. I don't know anyone in Grandville. Do you?"

"No." Edward's brisk response mirrored the dark expression on his face. "Why would I bother to interact with any of those bastards? After everything they've done to our country?"

"Still the staunch patriot, eh?" Aria knocked her feet against each other. "You were in prison in Grandville, weren't you?"

"Yes. The government sent me to be with the group I'd supposedly betrayed them for."

"And yet, you don't hold it against them?"

"Against the Rouverian government? No, not anymore. At first, I did, because I thought they knew how much I loved this country. Then I realized that they were just trying to keep innocent people safe. Sending me to Grandville would ease their minds. I suffered harsh conditions, but they promised to acquit me when I came back."

He's being more forward. "At the expense of their reputation? That doesn't sound like them."

"It's the government, little pigeon. They know how to work their way around these things." He stopped for a moment. "But don't tell anyone that I told you. It's supposed to be a secret."

"I won't." Aria glanced at the tree behind her. "So...did you make all this food?"

"Obviously not." Edward scoffed. "I have servants who do that. They made these. I remembered all your favorite treats, didn't I?"

"You did." Taking a piece of pie, Aria couldn't help but moan in appreciation of the sweet, sticky taste that melted in her mouth. "It's delicious. Tell your cooks that I said thank you."

"It's their job. They don't need the thanks." Edward took out some drinks and handed one to her. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay. What?"

"You're working, right? What are you doing?"

"I have a job at the embassy," Aria explained, calmly and swiftly. She had anticipated these types of questions and already created a list of responses, each coordinating with a different question or answer. "I can't speak much of it, but I mostly manage relations between Rouver and Grandville."

"Ah, I see. Do you know anyone in Grandville?"

"Not personally. I've met a few people."

"Military men?"

"Some of them." Aria's eyebrow arched. Since when was this an interrogation of her political relationships? She had to turn the tide. "They were polite, nice people. I don't see what the big issue is."

"I wouldn't say that out loud," Edward warned. "Not here. Our country isn't fond of the Grandville folk. Not after what they've done."

"What exactly have they done?" Aria scooted closer to Edward. She remembered Sterling mentioning that deep proximity can cause arousal of not only sexual intent but also confusion. It looked like it worked, as Edward's pupils visibly dilated. "I don't see that they did anything wrong."

"I...they burned the church and blamed me, for one," Edward replied shakily. "And, er, they committed numerous atrocities in the past..."


"Um...uh....a lot of stuff." He shook his head and pinched his eyes shut. "Let's talk about something else. Bringing up politics on a first date isn't very polite after all."

"Good point. I apologize." He stammered this time. Was it because I was close to him or because he's trying to hide something?

He seems conflicted on the topic, Sterling replied. On one hand, he fiercely condemns them, but then when you asked again he didn't seem very confident in his responses. I'm not sure. 


So...does this date seems to be going well? What's Edward hiding? Sterling doesn't seem to happy about this date so far...


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