11.1 Lady Kumar's Interrogation

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Eloise Maryland was a young girl around Noah's age. She bore a striking resemblance to her father, but that was no surprise, given the astounding wonders of genetics. She had glimmering skin and soft, doe eyes in the brightest green imaginable. She was the epitome of a perfect lady - slim, prim, and proper. Her clothes consisted of the finest silks and rarest pearls since that was the symbol of the Maryland family. She was the pride of her mother and the heir to her father's estate, but all that didn't interest seventeen-year-old Eloise. No, for some reason, she had allowed herself to fall into the scrawny arms of Noah Kumar, a foolish little boy whom Aria had little respect for, but a begrudging heap of love.

She found her cousin's bride-to-be sitting in the dining room of their large mansion, swinging her feet back and forth under the beige cloth that covered the dark birch table. A marriage at such a young age was common in their society. With the war tensions still around, life expectancies were relatively short for the newer generations. Marriages between wealthy families to continue the bloodline was done often, which is why there were so many parties.

Aria had no interest in any of that, though. She only knew of such gossip due to her aunt, who had shamelessly told her of the whispers she'd heard while at the temple. Aria's fascination with marriage was more out of curiosity than desire. She had indulged in the idea of marrying and starting a family long ago, but with her job, she knew the possibility of having a happy domestic life was nearly impossible. She had no idea how Kazuki did it. Just thinking of the endless number of dangers she could put her child in frightened her. She already had enough to protect.

"Good afternoon, Eloise," Aria said, nodding to the young girl. "How are you today?"

"Fine, thank you!" Eloise's pink lips spread into a wide grin. "I've come to see Noah. We're going to walk by the river to get ice cream and discuss our wedding."

"Have you?" Aria smiled. Eloise's innocence was amusing. "Where is he?"

"Changing. He's taking quite a while, though."

"He usually does. He likes to impress." Aria winked, eliciting a blush from Eloise. "Are you excited about the wedding, Eloise?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Eloise beamed. "My mother and father are thrilled."

"I didn't ask about them. I asked about you."

"Me? Oh, I'm happy as well." She looked at her knotted fingers. "I've felt for Noah for a long time. I hoped we would unite in marriage, and I'm happy that we've been given the opportunity to do so."

"Well, that's good. Noah's been fawning over you as well," Aria said.

"Oh, um..." Eloise blushed again. Aria decided she was just like the other women - an innocent, fragile porcelain doll. Of course, appearances could be deceiving. Aria herself didn't look like a woman who could protect herself, not since the accident. However, she realized that she saw some of Eloise in herself. The small flashes of innocent delight and blissful ignorance made Aria's heart pinch. She couldn't remember the last time she had been as frivolous as Eloise. Perhaps when she was a young child?

Looks like I'm going to have to practice keeping myself in check, Aria thought when she realized how quickly her heart had been beating. Damn, this is going to be hard.

"Hey, Eloise!" Noah jogged into the room, dressed in a clean shirt and new brown pants. He noticed Aria and smiled. "Aria, you're back!"

Aria gave him a small, meaningless smile. "Yes, I am, but don't let me hold you two back from having fun."

"We're going to get ice cream!" Noah took Eloise's hand. "Do you want to come?"

"No, thanks." Aria leaned over the table and ruffled Noah's hair. "Go have fun, both of you. I'll tell your mom that you left already."

"Okay. Thanks, Aria!" Noah's smile lit up Aria's day, and she felt conflicted as the two lovers skipped out of the room. She was watching them giggle and touch each other like two lovebirds which made Aria realize that she had to do this assignment. She had to do it perfectly because if she didn't, and if she failed, Noah and Eloise wouldn't have a future together.


Aria found her aunt upstairs, in Noah's old nursery cleaning out the closet. A couple of maids were helping her, but they left when Aria instructed them to take the rest of the day off. Tamasa said nothing, allowing them to leave.

"You're back," she said shortly when Aria bent to help fold the baby onesies. "Where have you been, young lady?"

"Out," Aria responded. "Noah left with Eloise."

"I know. I heard them, thank you." Tamasa wiped her brow and held one of the onesies up to her eye level, sighing longingly. "It wasn't long ago that he would be able to fit into this. I miss those days, you know?"

"I can imagine." Aria actually couldn't, but she didn't want her aunt getting soppy on her. "He can't stay little forever, Auntie."

"I know." Tamasa sighed again, folding the onesie and putting it beside her. "I knew that the moment I looked into his beautiful eyes. My little boy would only be little for so long."

"Hm." Aria ran her hand over the smooth threads. "Do you think...do you think Mama would have been like that too?"

"Like what?"

"Sad." Aria didn't meet Tamasa's inquisitive gaze. "Do you think she'd be looking at my baby clothes and wondering how quickly I grew up?"

Tamasa was quiet. "She would," she said at last. "She would see those lovely dresses and think of how her cherub grew up into such a beautiful, intelligent young lady." She put her hand on Aria's chin and turned her head. "And even though she's not here, I'm sure she's thinking that in heaven. You've truly grown, Aria, and I'm so happy that I was able to see you grow up into the woman you are today. You're the pride of the Kumar Family."


So...a bit of a long chapter I see but what do you think? Has Aria made her decision? What about Eloise and Noah? Is she doing this just for them?


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