20.4 The Coitus Compromise

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"You look like a meerkat." From the bed where she lay limply, Aria watched with an amused grin etched on her face as Sterling, in all his naked glory, shuffled around the room, cleaning up the mess they had made and gathering towels to wipe her.

"Says the dead body on my bed," he retorted, disappearing into the bathroom and swiftly returning with baby blue towels. "Lift your butt up, lazy girl."

"Lazy?" Aria scoffed, then whimpered. The soreness that coiled around her legs had been something that Nela didn't mention, but she was right in saying that it was the best thing she had ever experienced. Watching Sterling carefully clean her up, Aria realized that the ecstasy she had felt when they both came was nothing in comparison to the warm beating of her heart when she watched her partner take care of her.

"Yes, very lazy." Sterling stroked her body with the washcloth, being careful not to apply too much pressure to her sore areas. "So...how was it?"

"It? Or you?"


"Well, you exceeded my expectations, that's for sure." She grinned. "Now I'm worried that I may not be able to concentrate on Edward. There's no way he can even come close to matching you."

"Think of me, then." Sterling kept the mood light but didn't deny the irritation that sprouted at the mention of Edward. He realized, then, that next week Aria would be sharing a bed with another man while he would be watching, and he wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"My knees feel like a grandma's knees," Aria complained, sitting up to rub them. "Honestly, it can be such an annoyance at times."

"I can imagine." Sterling tossed the towels into the hamper nearby and settled himself on the soft, new bedsheets.

Aria leaned over him, her hair draping messily over her kiss-bruised face. She traced her fingers over the deep lines of muscle carved into his skin, delving lower and lower and causing his breathing to rapidly accelerate.

"Don't be a tease now," he growled, grabbing her hands. "You're not even close to being ready to be punished."

"Ha. I doubt you could punish me," Aria exclaimed haughtily, but she did stop her mission and relaxed on his chest. "Maybe if you were nicer I would let you."

"Being nice has nothing to do with being punished," Sterling muttered. He dug his fingers into her matted hair, gently untangling the dark coils. "Perhaps one day. Your sexual appetite is insatiable, my lady."

"Like you're one to talk," Aria snickered. "I have to admit, though, I enjoyed it. You were very...gentle. Are you like that with all the ladies you've slept with?"

"It depends on the person," Sterling admitted. "Normally, sex is my killing mechanism. Right now, if you were one of my victims, you'd be dead." He absently stroked her hair. "But you're not, and to be quite frank, even my vanilla sex is rougher than what we did. It's...weird. I think I...actually enjoyed sex. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed sleeping with someone."

"Must've been long ago," his partner murmured. She pushed herself up on her elbow and kissed him. "How does it feel?"

"Liberating," he sighed. "It's very...mind-blowing."

"I can show you something else mind-blowing."

"Yeah?" Intrigued, he opened his eyes and dragged his hand lower on her back. "Like what?"

"This." Aria created tension in her face, drawing her muscles together. She closed her eyes and slowly, subtly, wiggled her ears.

Sterling, who was expecting something naughty, burst into a fit of laughter. He buried his face into Aria's belly to try to compose himself, but the flashing, continuous image of the monkey-like expression she had created kept the stream of laughter going, getting louder and breathier with every second.

"I told you it'd be mind-blowing," she grinned. "I can also bend my finger in a funny angle-!"

"Master Drazek!" Hudson, having no concept of privacy or time, plowed into the bedroom while shouting for Sterling in the highest, pitchiest voice the duo had ever heard a man do. Swiftly, Sterling pulled the covers over their decentless bodies and luckily, the man didn't seem to notice that they were naked. Covered in sweat and turning redder than the chilies that grew on the Kumar plantation, Hudson wildly looked at Sterling, his hands shaking madly.

"Hudson, what's wrong?" Sterling didn't move from the bed, attempting to placate the poor, old man from where he was. "Did something happen? To Nela?"

"No...no not that..." Hudson continued to tremble. "I-It was a call from your lady...Madame Margot..."

"Oh. And?"

"She wants you and Miss. Aria to come immediately. There's been...there's been a massacre."


👀👀What happened at the headquarters? Who attacked them? Who found out about them? 


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