32.2 Reconciliation

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"I get that. No matter how my parents treated me, it still sucked when they died." Sterling shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers, observing the marginally busy town. He was unable to see Rouver as his beloved country anymore and felt a deep longing in his chest; a desire to be in Grandville again.

"Have you visited their burial site?"

"We burned them. I tossed their ashes somewhere. At the time, I didn't want to be reminded of them."

"And do you regret it now?"

"Sometimes. I've learned that it's best not to dwell on regret, though. It only causes you to suffer for longer."

They approached his dark, gothic home and stopped by the gate, standing in silence as they studied the place that had held so many of their memories.

"I think I'll sell this house," he said. "Maybe I'll renovate it; fix a few of the broken taps and whatever - and sell it."

"You're still keen on moving to Grandville, huh?"

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really." Aria shuffled on her feet, bending to rub her knees. "It's a pleasant place, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to move there."


"Why is there always a 'but' with you?"

"Because I know that one is coming up." He nudged her cheekily. "So? Why the hesitation? Come with me!" His eyes lit up and he jumped like an excited puppy. "We can get a plantation or something; sell exports and shit. I'm pretty good at building stuff, and I bet you can teach self-defense to some of the kids."

"That sounds really nice," Aria said warmly. "Perhaps we can, but I don't think I'd be able to sell what my parents left me."

"You don't have to. We can get dual citizenship."


Sterling gazed fondly at her. "Still caught up on your family, huh?"

"A little. I want to make things right, you know? But I don't know how or if they need more time..."

"Well, if you look ahead, I think you'll see that the opportunity to do so is closer than you think."

"What?" Aria's head shot up so quickly that she felt her muscles stretch tight enough that they could have probably snapped. Up ahead, with her peripheral vision, she could see her aunt, uncle, and cousin trudging toward Sterling's foreboding home, all of them looking dismal and utterly unhappy.

"Noah?!" She blurted, immediately getting the attention of the sullen boy. Their eyes met, and in a moment he was running toward her, leaping into her arms. Aria stumbled, colliding into Sterling's chest for support against Noah's weight.

"Aria!" He exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "Where have you been?! I've missed you so much!"

"I've been...working," Aria replied hesitantly, searching for any fear or disgust on Noah's face when she mentioned her job, but she saw nothing but pure excitement, and it made her heart thump rapidly. "What are you doing here?"

"We were looking for you!" He said, jumping down to his feet. "Mama wanted to apologize. Dad and I talked to her. They understand know why you were doing what you did...but personally, I always found being an assassin super cool!"

Aria smiled and ruffled his soft hair. "You know, there's more to being an assassin than just looking awesome and carrying weapons."

"I know." Noah grinned, but his smile faded when he noticed Sterling, who was gazing at Aria like she was the only thing in his entire world. "Who are you? Her boyfriend?"

"Er...not quite," Sterling chuckled and blushed. "I-I mean, I'm not opposed to the idea, but..."

"He's my boyfriend," Aria quipped, smirking at Sterling. Where's your bravado gone? Her grin seemed to say. "And before you say anything, yes, he is Duke Drazek, and no, he didn't kill his parents. I'm older than you and he's a good man, okay? So, don't worry about anything."

Sterling and Noah both blinked, still struggling to follow her quick speech. The words trailed slowly in their head, and by the time it had finally, fully computed, Tamasa and Bhuv had caught up with them.

"Aria!" Tamasa rushed to her niece, wrapping her in her arms tightly. "You silly girl! Where did you go?! Why did you leave? You scared me to death, my dear, dear girl!"

"Auntie...you told me to go..." Aria gasped, catching her breath.

"I obviously didn't mean it!" Tamasa responded shrilly. She slapped Aria's cheek gently and squeezed the soft flesh, shaking the younger girl's head in a scolding manner. "You silly girl! I can't say I approve of what you do, but I understand now why, and...and I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I love you, and you were doing...that job to protect us. Just...just give me some time to understand it all."

"Auntie..." Aria smiled. "Of course, I get why you'd need more time. I was always doing it to protect you...and uncle."

Bhuv smiled from behind his wife. "We know," he said softly. "We're sorry, Ari...we're so sorry..."

"It's fine," Aria said with a nonchalant shrug. "Sterling helped me understand your point of view." She gestured to the blushing man behind her.

"Duke Drazek?" Bhuv was surprised. "What...are you both..."

"He's her boyfriend," Noah grumbled, rolling his eyes. "Seriously, why him of all -!"

"Oh, how wonderful!" Tamasa exclaimed, clapping her hands delightfully. "Such a handsome young man, and a Duke to top it off! Oh, how lovely!"

"Darling..." Bhuv growled, trying to reign his wife away from the boy he found too attractive and too out worldly to be with his niece. However, he trusted her choices more than anything, so he said nothing against them, instead allowing his son to voice both of their dismay.

"Thank you for your acceptance," Sterling murmured. "I...erm..." he glanced at his broken home, realizing then how undistinguished it looked in front of Aria's family. "I'm currently in the process of renovating if you'll excuse the appearance of my home."

"Oh, no apologies necessary!" Tamasa, still holding her niece, beamed. "It's a lovely home. A bit dark, if you ask me, but lovely all the same. Now, when will you get married?"

"Auntie!" Aria exclaimed, her cheeks turning a fiery red. "Seriously? We're kinda going through a big thing at work right now!"

"Sorry, sorry," Tamasa giggled, unapologetic. "We must leave you, then, for you to continue your...job. But please, stay safe and come home." She gripped Aria's hands pleadingly. "Everyone misses you."

"And you want me to get married?" Aria teased. "You know if I get married I'm not going to stay with you, right?"

"There's time to talk about all of this."

"It's not a suggestion."

"For now, it will be treated as such." Tamasa smiled at her, then at Sterling, avoiding the dirty glare that Aria sent her. "Oh, we must be leaving. The sky is getting quite dark. Aria," she fixed her niece with a stern glare. "I expect to see you home once your work is finished. Fresh clothes will be placed on your bed. I don't want to hear any funny business."

"Funny business?" Sterling and Bhuv repeated, confused. Aria let them mull what Tamasa's implications were and begrudgingly agreed to her aunt's demands.

"Fine," she said. "I'll be home."

"Good." Tamasa kissed her cheek and smiled warmly. "Be safe, Aria. Promise me, you'll be safe."

"I can't promise that, Auntie."

"You will because you will be home by this weekend safe and sound, do you understand? That is not a suggestion."

Aria couldn't help but smile, even though it dwelled in her heart that there was a chance she wouldn't escape Hades alive. "I understand...I promise, one way or another, I'll see you again."


Aria has made up with her family, but the battle isn't over yet. We still need answers from Margot, but will she give them? 


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