8.2 The Mighty Lord Returns

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"I do indeed. I used to work for her mother." Edward whistled. "I wish you well, what with having Lady Maryland as a mother-in-law."

"Oh please! She's a good woman, Edward!" Tamasa, who had been silent during the conversation, added suddenly. "She was a good friend of your mother too."

"That I know, Lady Kumar," Edward said. "So, Aria? Any suitors?"

"Not since the accident, no," Aria replied, trying not to sound bitter. "Why? Do you need any recommendations? If so, that would be my aunt's specialty."

"Enough, you!" Tamasa blushed. "But if you are in search of a wife, I can absolutely help you, my dear boy."

"Your kindness humbles me, my lady," Edward said. He glanced at Aria. "But it is alright. I should focus on regaining my reputation and my wealth. After all, I cannot have a bride with no property."

"Don't worry about property, my boy," Bhuv said gruffly. "You are a friend to this family. If you need any help, you know that you can always come and ask."

"Not for any of your land." Edward laughed. "That will be going to Noah, no?"

"And Aria," Tamasa added. "We're giving Noah our estate upward. Aria will be getting our home and land here."

"Really?" As he stood, Edward's eyes widened in surprise. "My, you'll become a wealthy lady overnight, little pigeon!"

"I care not for wealth," Aria said, offering him a simple smile. "But it was very good to see you again, Edward, and I do hope we can keep in touch this time."

"I do as well. I'm delighted to hear that you want to continue our friendship, despite everything I've done...despite every lie that I've told you."

"Nonsense!" Aria leaned against the arm of the couch and stood. "We are childhood friends. You will always be a close companion of mine." And you were in the army. There's got to be something I can find out. Aria didn't add that part, though. Not out loud.

"Thank you." Edward - soft, baby-faced Edward - smiled gently. "Would you mind walking me out?"

"Not at all." The more information the better. "Come." Aria led him out of the living room and into the hallway. It took them a while to get to the door, though, as butlers and maids were constantly stopped by Edward to acknowledge his greeting. Aria studied him as he talked to them. She noticed that he had changed since they were young, but then again, he was in his thirties now. While he still had a childish appeal to him, he was also tall and broad-shouldered with a lean physique. No doubt he was handsome, and all the ladies in the town would be fawning over him in mere seconds. His eyes seemed to control anyone he looked at. They were devilishly dark at times and looked red when they were away from the light. Of course, he had always looked like that though. His eyes did, at least.

"So..." Edward hesitated at the door. "I'll see you soon? Maybe at your next job?"

Aria shrugged. "Maybe. It depends on where we'll be." And if you happen to be my target. "Good luck with everything."

"Thank you." Edward turned and opened the door, but once again, he hesitated. "You are mad at me, aren't you, Aria?"

"I'm surprised you could tell," Aria couldn't hide the sarcasm in her voice. She didn't feel bad about being indifferent to Edward. She felt sorry for the troubles he had gone through, but something of his absence rubbed her the wrong way. Aria never doubted her gut instinct. It had saved her many times, and even though a small part of her hesitated to con her friend, she decided to continue her ploy and plow deeper into his disappearance.

"I'm going to make it up to you, you know," Edward promised. "I'll make things just like they were before."

"We were different people before."

"People can change again."

"So? What are you implying?"

Edward paused. He hesitated, then stepped toward Aria and took her hands. He captured her eyes and gazed at her with passionate sincerity. "I want...I..."

Aria was unfazed by his touch, and stared at him impassively, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "You...?"

"I...I would like to court you," he finally said, bending his head so that they were at eye-level with each other. "Being gone for ten years made me realize what I had been missing. I realized that war was scarier than confessing my feelings for you."

"Feelings?" Aria began to remove her hands, but Edward grasped them tightly - too tightly, like he was trying to drain the blood from her limbs. "What feelings...?"

"You're being cruel, Aria." Edward dryly laughed. "I've always been open about my feelings for you."

"No, you haven't." Aria frowned. "Edward, where is this coming from? This isn't you."

"This is the new me. The changed me. This is who I became after the war, and this is the person who would like to be your husband." He brought her hands up and kissed her knuckles, and Aria wasn't sure whether to smile or gag. "I know I'm not very rich, and I'm a mere soldier, but I'll make you as happy as I possibly can. I promise that." He swiftly left, then, leaving Aria standing in the threshold with her mouth agape. He flipped onto his horse, tipped his hat at her, and rode away from the home. Behind him was nothing but dust, and a very conflicted assassin. 


So...what has Edward proposed? He has feelings for Aria? How will our assassin react to this? What will she do? Is it alright for an assassin to have a relationship? Will this affect her work?


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