13.1 How to Seduce a Lord

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Sterling was a man of many talents. He was swift, agile, and possessed great strength. Despite being a disgraced man, he was still respected for his continued status and incredible wealth. He was known mainly in Bishops for his charm and wit, and for the countless ladies that he'd wooed in his youth. Of course, he was still quite young, just shy of his thirty-third birthday, so he still had some of his spirit left. Age had taken its toll on him, though. While his physical shape was that of a young man, his mentality had grown a tad bitter. Bitter over the hidden sentiments of the people around him; bitter over the loneliness he was forced to live in. Sterling created this new version of himself for his job, but he never expected it to become a part of his daily life.

He found himself mulling over their latest mission one day when he was alone in his living room. The catalog of his abilities was endless, and Sterling was organizing them by most to least useful. He had no doubt that his sexual prowess was at the top of the list. Without his title as the best and last lover of women, he and Aria wouldn't have finished even half of their missions.

His wealth was another possibility, though, by the poverty of his dress and home, one would doubt his income could be as grand as it was. Sterling had no need for excessive amounts of money. He lived simply and independently. Nobody knew where the money he earned went, but then again, they had no idea how he earned his meal either. There were rumors, obviously; that he was in a drug scheme or owned a brothel. He was never met face-to-face with the accusations, though. It was a task that no one in Bishops dared to do.

"Sir, we have received a call from the Kumar home." Hudson strode into the room, looking placid as usual. "Lady Aria is requesting a visit."

"Really?" Sterling turned. "Now? Well, alright. Tell her to come over."

"Yes, sir."

Hudson left, and in his place, Nela came. She crumpled on the couch and exhaled in exhaustion, unable to meet Sterling's concerned gaze. She closed her eyes and dried her chapped lips with her tongue.

"I told you to rest," Sterling said. "Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"You're too kind," Nela whispered. "But I'm alright. I can work."

"Perhaps, but why are you risking your health?"

"It is my job."

"It is also your job to remain healthy." Sterling offered her his untouched glass. "Drink. Your complexion pales before me."

"You are overexaggerating," Nela scoffed, nevertheless she accepted the drink. The moment the cold water touched her tongue she was brought back to life. She swallowed the drink without taking a moment to breathe, releasing the cup from her mouth with a sigh and muffled burp. "Excuse me."

Sterling grinned. "I knew you were tired. You can't fool me, Nela."

Nela smiled. "I know. I could never fool you, even when you were a child."

"Yes. I was very good at reading your face." I am still good at reading faces. "Why do you push yourself so? The house is perfectly clean."

"To a man such as yourself, perhaps. But you cannot see the dust that litters these floors or the torn tapestries and curtains that blow cold wind into the bedrooms." Nela scoffed. "Honestly, why can't you renovate this place? I have the mind to believe that you have the money to do so. I've seen your clothes."

"It would be suspicious of me to attain such an egregious amount of money in such a short period of time, regardless of my previous social status. I have no place to get the money legally, and everyone in Bishops knows that my parents left me with virtually nothing - those spineless, exotic bastards."

"Do not speak of your parents in such a way!" Nela scolded him sharply. "While it is true that they were not the most welcome of families, they raised you and gave you your pride and joy, did they not?"

"At what cost?" Sterling dropped a bitter gaze. "She is no more, Nela. I have nothing and nobody left, save you and Hudson."

"You have your friend." Nela gestured to the photograph that sat above the dusty fireplace. It was a crooked, broken frame with a picture dated around seven years ago. Sterling and Aria had completed one of the best missions to date - chasing away the mysterious and greedy Lady Housings. The picture was taken by Kazuki, and it was one of the few photographs that Sterling cherished.

"She is my work partner," Sterling replied, peeling his gaze from the picture. "We may be friends with everyone else, but I do not think she sees me as such."

"If she didn't, I don't think she'd risk her life to protect you during your jobs." Sterling's breath hitched, and Nela smiled mischievously. "What? Did you think I would turn a blind eye to what you've been doing? I think you forget that I raised you since you were an infant, Sterling. I know you very well. You can't hide that from me, nor can you hide your feelings for certain people."

"Feelings?" Sterling's cheeks reddened, but he refused to give in to Nela's teasing. "Feelings toward who?"

"I'm not going to spell everything out for you, boy!"

"Then I won't answer." Sterling huffed like an arrogant child, turning away from Nela, but he only acted as such for a minute before briskly turning again and adding: "I have no romantic feelings for Aria."


So...is Sterling telling the truth? Does he have no feelings for Aria apart from ones of friendship? What do you think of Nela and Hudson? What about Sterling's life when he's not working? 


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