7.2 It Can't Be Him

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Margot was placidly pleased with the success of Aria and Sterling's work. She was especially delighted with Kazuki's involvement, so much so that she sent his wife home for the week for them to have quality time.

They met the next day for a recap of the mission and to look at the photographs that Kazuki had taken of the venue. Even though Aria had already drawn out a map of the area, Margot had wanted to make sure that they didn't leave a trace of the murder.

"The public will be notified soon," she told Sterling and Aria as they sat in her office. On her desk was a crude display of folded pictures from the ballroom and outer areas. "We went back to the chateau to stake out some more of the areas and finish the clean up. Duke Gall has suffered an unfortunate overdose. The guests were unaware of the incident and his wife will be compensated accordingly."

"The cocaine Kazuki brought helps set up the scene as well," Sterling added. "And Yasmine's serum. Technically, he did suffer an overdose...just an exaggerated one."

"Indeed." Margot's reptilian gaze shifted to Aria, who was sitting in unusual silence and playing with the edge of one of the photo frames. "Aria? Do you have anything to add to this?"

"No, Madame," Aria responded monotonously. She hesitated. "This picture is different. Did you change it?"

Margot blinked. "Well, I suppose so." She turned the frame, showing to them a young boy with chubby cheeks, poignant dimples, and bushy black hair that framed his face in curls. "But that doesn't answer my question."

"I did answer your question," Aria rebutted. "Sterling explained our mission just fine. He doesn't need an addition on my part. He's just as intelligent and capable of taking charge as I am."

"Aria...I don't think that's what she means..." Sterling laughed awkwardly.

"You are a team. I know that, and I expect equal participation." Margot studied her agent with a considering stare. "You've been acting strange, Aria. Did something happen on this mission that you're not telling me?"

"No, Madame." Aria met Margot's eyes - dark brown against icy blue - and even though her face was tense, her eyes were nothing but a blank void. Margot couldn't decipher what Aria was thinking, and the girl gave nothing away with her reply. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Is your family well?" Margot tried a different tactic. "Your cousin?"

"He's fine. We'll be moving to my aunt's vacation estate to explore our independence," Aria said. "I have put the information in your mailbox as a precaution. Sterling, I gave yours to Hudson."

"Did Noah do something?" Sterling's eyebrows knotted.

"He always does something," Aria said with a shrug. "I have a suspicion that it's about his impending marriage, but I can't say." She stood and bowed. "I should be leaving. My aunt is expecting me."

"You may go." Margot allowed Aria to leave. She waited until she saw the assassin strolling outside to turn to Sterling. "Tell me everything."

Sterling straightened. "I..."

"And don't leave out any details. I don't want you lying for her." A frown formed on Margot's face. "This is for her protection, and ours."

Sterling sighed. "She didn't say much to me," he admitted. "After killing Gall she was pretty quiet. She didn't even argue with Kazuki. She kept muttering to herself, but she didn't tell me anything at all. I think her aunt told her something that upset her."

"Perhaps." Margot tapped her foot. "Lady Kumar has been known for her flighty ways. Has Aria ever mentioned anything about it?"

"She doesn't talk about her family a lot," Sterling said. "We don't delve in those areas. She respects my boundaries and I respect hers."

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